yii - behat step "I should see" does not see -

using behat in yii framework, observing quite strange behaviour: behat not find text when using steps

then should see "some text" 

some text finds normaly, - not. sure on page think on, i've added sort of markers in view files , behat sees them.

so, scenario

  scenario: editing journal     given following journals present:         | name          | link                      | description           |         | murzilka      | http://www.murz.com       | advanced child journal|          | nature        | www nature com            | nice journal          |     when on edit page journal "nature"     should see "update nature"     should see "nice journal"     should see "1qazxsw2" <-- marker     should see "2wsxcde3" <-- marker     should see "www nature com" 

the output then

 scenario: editing journal    # features\journal.feature:21 given following journals present:    # featurecontext::thefollowingjournalsarepresent()   | name     | link                | description            |   | murzilka | http://www.murz.com | advanced child journal |   | nature   | www nature com      | nice journal           | when on edit page journal "nature"    # featurecontext::iamoneditpageforjournal() should see "update nature"    # featurecontext::assertpagecontainstext() should see "nice journal"    # featurecontext::assertpagecontainstext() should see "1qazxsw2"    # featurecontext::assertpagecontainstext() should see "2wsxcde3"    # featurecontext::assertpagecontainstext() should see "www nature com"    # featurecontext::assertpagecontainstext()   text "www nature com" not found anywhere in text of current page. 

the strange if go page (in test environment), see phrases including "www nature com".

the problem sporadically appears when step "then should see ..." refers text in input field. i've found out purpose there predefined step

then /^the "(?p<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" field should contain "(?p<value>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/     - checks, form field specified id|name|label|value has specified value.     # featurecontext::assertfieldcontains() 

which supposed used this:

then "journal[name]" field should contain "nice journal" 

with modification, behat finds phrases.


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