mvc 4 - Custom paging logic in MVC 4 view with Stored procedures -

i returning records stored procedure , want use custom paging in view. have far:


        public actionresult index(int currentpage=1, int pageno = 1, int pagesize = 10, string sortcolumn = "name", string sortorder = "asc", string searchstring = "", int totalrecords=0)     {         datacontextdatacontext obj = new datacontextdatacontext();          system.nullable<int> total = null;          //pagecount = (int)math.ceiling((double)total / pagesize);         var model = obj.tempitemsubclasslist(pageno, pagesize, sortcolumn, sortorder, searchstring, ref total).tolist();          int pagecount = (int)(total + pagesize - 1) / pagesize;           stringbuilder sb1 = new stringbuilder();          int seed = currentpage % pagesize == 0 ? currentpage : currentpage - (currentpage % pagesize);          if (currentpage > 0)             sb1.appendline(string.format("<a href=\"{0}/{1}\">previous</a>", searchstring, currentpage));          if (currentpage - pagesize >= 0)             sb1.appendline(string.format("<a href=\"{0}/{1}\">...</a>", searchstring, (currentpage - pagesize) + 1));          (int = seed; < math.round((totalrecords / 10) + 0.5) && < seed + pagesize; i++)         {             sb1.appendline(string.format("<a href=\"{0}/{1}\">{1}</a>", searchstring, + 1));         }          if (currentpage + pagesize <= (math.round((totalrecords / 10) + 0.5) - 1))             sb1.appendline(string.format("<a href=\"{0}/{1}\">...</a>", searchstring, (currentpage + pagesize) + 1));          if (currentpage < (math.round((totalrecords / 10) + 0.5) - 1))             sb1.appendline(string.format("<a href=\"{0}/{1}\">next</a>", searchstring, currentpage + 2));          //response.write(sb1);////can/should append model?          return view(model); } 


@model ienumerable<artguildmvc2.models.tempitemsubclasslistresult>  @{ viewbag.title = "index"; }  <h2>index</h2>  <p> @html.actionlink("create new", "create") </p> <table> <tr>     <th>         @html.displaynamefor(model => model.itemclassid)     </th>     <th>         @html.displaynamefor(model => model.description)     </th>     <th></th> </tr>  @foreach (var item in model) {    <tr>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.itemclassid)     </td>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.description)     </td>     <td>         @html.actionlink("edit", "edit", new { }) |         @html.actionlink("details", "details", new { }) |         @html.actionlink("delete", "delete", new { })     </td> </tr>  }  </table>  /////what do hereafter????   @{  if (viewbag.currentpage > 1) { <a href="@url.action("index",new {page=1})">first</a> <a href="@url.action("index",new {page=viewbag.currentpage-1})">prev</a> } if (viewbag.currentpage < {  <a href="@url.action("index",new {page=viewbag.currentpage+1})">next</a>  <a href="@url.action("index",new {})">last</a> }} 

how implement paging logic in view? in advance. p.s.: may not find code logical since have picked 2-3 places , trying make work on trial & error basis.

i going break mvc pattern code have written in action method.

by way, paging solved problem libraries mvcpaging so, recommend using 1 of them.


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