postgresql - Insert into postgres SQL -

is there way insert new record table doesn't have auto-increment id without entering id. want id lastid+1.

insert lists values (id,'ko','sph', '5') //new id

don't that! ever! don't think doing that!

this wrong solution may seems (it doesn't) work you:

insert lists values ((select max(id)+1 lists),'ko','sph', '5'); 

but, if try insert @ same time you, both same id, cause invalid result. should use sequence or more reliable mechanism (an auxiliary table common when can't have holes in sequence, has drawbacks [it lock]). can use serial data type make easier (it creates sequence underneath):

create table lists(id serial, col2 text, col3 text, ...); -- if don't specify "id", autogenerate you: insert lists(col2, col3, ...) values('ko','sph', ...); -- can specify using default (the same above): insert lists(id, col2, col3, ...) values(default, 'ko','sph', ...); 

if really, really, really, can't create , use sequence, can above, have handle exception (assuming id field pk or uk, , using read committed transaction), (in pl/pgsql):

declare     inserted bool = false; begin     while not inserted loop;         begin             insert lists             values ((select coalesce(max(id),0)+1 lists),'ko','sph', '5');             inserted = true;         exception             when unique_violation                 null; -- nothing, try again         end;     end loop; end; 

but again, highly recommend avoid it: use sequence , happy... =d

also, know example, use explicit columns list on insert into clause.


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