c# - DataAccess Plugin in NopCommerce 3.1 -

i trying create plugin data access based on tutorial.

when install method called in turn calls createdatabaseinstallationscript. scripts generated plugin in tutorial generate sql custom tables.

but when function called in plugin, generates sql 30 tables.

following dbcontext class:

public class myproductobjectcontext : dbcontext, idbcontext { public myproductobjectcontext(string connectionstring)     : base(connectionstring){}      protected override void onmodelcreating(dbmodelbuilder modelbuilder)     {         modelbuilder.entity<rewardpointshistory>()                   .hasrequired(p => p.usedwithorder).withoptional();         modelbuilder.configurations.add(new myproductmap());         modelbuilder.configurations.add(new myproductnotemap());          base.onmodelcreating(modelbuilder);     }      public string createdatabaseinstallationscript()     {         return ((iobjectcontextadapter)this).objectcontext                                    .createdatabasescript();     }      public void install()     {         //it's required set initializer null (for sql server compact).         //otherwise, you'll "the model backing 'your          //context name' context has changed since database created.          //consider using code first migrations update database"          database.setinitializer<myproductobjectcontext>(null);         var scripts = createdatabaseinstallationscript();         database.executesqlcommand(scripts);         savechanges();     }      public void uninstall()     {         var dbscript =  @"drop table ltmyproduct go drop table ltmyproductnote go ";         database.executesqlcommand(dbscript);         savechanges();     }      public new idbset<tentity> set<tentity>() tentity : baseentity     {         return base.set<tentity>();     } } 

none of entities refer of nop.core.domain entities. entities code follows:

public class myproduct : baseentity {     public int customerid { get; set; }     public customer customer { get; set; }      public int productid { get; set; }     //public virtual product product { get; set; }      public string productname { get; set; }      public int notescount { get; set; }      public virtual icollection<myproductnote> items { get; set; }      public myproduct()     {         items = new hashset<myproductnote>();     } } 


public class myproductnote : baseentity {     public string firstname { get; set; }     public string middlename { get; set; }     public string lastname { get; set; }     public string note { get; set; }      public int myproductid { get; set; }     public virtual myproduct myproduct { get; set; }      public string fullname     {                 {             return firstname +                           (string.isnullorwhitespace(middlename) ? "" :                     (" " + middlename)) + " " + lastname;         }     } }     

the mapping (entitytypeconfiguration) both classes below:

public class myproductmap : entitytypeconfiguration<myproduct> {     public myproductmap()     {         totable("ltmyproduct");          haskey(x => x.id);          property(x => x.customerid).isrequired();         property(x => x.productid).isrequired();          property(x => x.productname).isunicode()             .isvariablelength().hasmaxlength(250).isoptional();          hasmany(x => x.items);     } } 


public class myproductnotemap : entitytypeconfiguration<myproductnote> {     public myproductnotemap()     {         totable("ltmyproductnote");          haskey(x => x.id);          property(x => x.firstname).hasmaxlength(50).isrequired()                   .isunicode().isvariablelength();         property(x => x.middlename).hasmaxlength(50).isunicode()                   .isvariablelength();         property(x => x.lastname).hasmaxlength(50).isrequired().isunicode()                    .isvariablelength();         property(x => x.note).isvariablelength().hasmaxlength(1024)                    .isunicode();         property(x => x.myproductid).isrequired().hascolumntype("int");     } } 

i have posted question on nopcommerce forum.

remove line on onmodelcreating method

modelbuilder.entity() .hasrequired(p => p.usedwithorder).withoptional();

this line refrencig core data model


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