Make duplicate of same file using batch file in windows -
i have 35 image in 1 folder, name imageset. want create 10 copies of each file , rename sequentially. ready 1 one image. there 1 image named img_01. when create 10 copies name of images img_01,img_02,img_03 ... ... img_10 . how can that? tried use code. not working. missing actually?
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set count=10 set filename=img_ set start=1 set extension=.jpg set source=%filename%%start%%extension% /l %%i in (0, 1, %count%) ( set /a number=start+%%i set destination=%filename%!number!%extension% echo !destination! rem echo %destination% copy %source% %destination% ) pause
from you're explaining seems want iterate on images in folder , create ten copies of each one. following should that:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set count=10 %%f in (*.jpg) ( /l %%i in (1, 1, %count%) ( set num=0%%i set num=!num:~-2! copy "%%f" "%%~nf_!num!%%~xf" ) )
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