java - Not entering inside tessract method doOCR(File imageFile) -

i have created small console application ocr on .tiff image file, have done using tess4j.

public class javaapplication10 {  /**  * @param args command line arguments  */ public static void main(string[] args)  {     file imagefile = new file("c:\\users\\manesh\\desktop\\license_plate.tiff");      tesseract instance = tesseract.getinstance();  // jna interface mapping      // tesseract1 instance = new tesseract1(); // jna direct mapping     try      {         string result = instance.doocr(imagefile); //empty result         system.out.println("hahahaha");         system.out.println("the result is: " + result);     }     catch (tesseractexception e)      {         system.out.println("error:" + e);     }   } } 

i'm not getting value inside result, when looked code of tesseract class , inserted couple of system.out.println not getting printed in console. tesseract code given below.

public class tesseract  {  private static tesseract instance; private final static rectangle empty_rectangle = new rectangle(); private string language = "eng"; private string datapath = "tessdata"; private int psm = tessapi.tesspagesegmode.psm_auto; private boolean hocr; private int pagenum; private int ocrenginemode = tessapi.tessocrenginemode.oem_default; private properties prop = new properties(); public final static string htmlbegintag =         "<!doctype html public \"-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en\""         + " \"\">\n"         + "<html>\n<head>\n<title></title>\n"         + "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;"         + "charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name='ocr-system' content='tesseract'/>\n"         + "</head>\n<body>\n"; public final static string htmlendtag = "</body>\n</html>\n"; private tesseract()  {     system.setproperty("jna.encoding", "utf8"); } public static synchronized tesseract getinstance()  {     if (instance == null)      {         instance = new tesseract();     }      return instance; } public void setdatapath(string datapath)  {     this.datapath = datapath; } public void setlanguage(string language)  {     this.language = language; } public void setocrenginemode(int ocrenginemode)  {     this.ocrenginemode = ocrenginemode; }  public void setpagesegmode(int mode)  {     this.psm = mode; }  public void sethocr(boolean hocr)  {     this.hocr = hocr;     prop.setproperty("tessedit_create_hocr", hocr ? "1" : "0"); }  public void settessvariable(string key, string value)  {     prop.setproperty(key, value); }  public string doocr(file imagefile) throws tesseractexception  {     system.out.println("hiiiiiii "); //not getting printed     return doocr(imagefile, null); }   public string doocr(file imagefile, rectangle rect) throws tesseractexception  {     try      {      system.out.println("be: "); //not getting printed      return doocr(imageiohelper.getiioimagelist(imagefile), rect);     }      catch (ioexception ioe)      {         throw new tesseractexception(ioe);     } }  public string doocr(bufferedimage bi) throws tesseractexception  {     return doocr(bi, null); }   public string doocr(bufferedimage bi, rectangle rect) throws tesseractexception  {     iioimage oimage = new iioimage(bi, null, null);     list<iioimage> imagelist = new arraylist<iioimage>();     imagelist.add(oimage);     return doocr(imagelist, rect); }  public string doocr(list<iioimage> imagelist, rectangle rect) throws tesseractexception  {     stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();     pagenum = 0;      (iioimage oimage : imagelist)      {         pagenum++;         try          {             bytebuffer buf = imageiohelper.getimagebytebuffer(oimage);             renderedimage ri = oimage.getrenderedimage();             string pagetext = doocr(ri.getwidth(), ri.getheight(), buf, rect,     ri.getcolormodel().getpixelsize());             sb.append(pagetext);         }          catch (ioexception ioe)          {             //skip problematic image             system.err.println(ioe.getmessage());         }     }      if (hocr)      {         sb.insert(0, htmlbegintag).append(htmlendtag);     }     return sb.tostring(); }   public string doocr(int xsize, int ysize, bytebuffer buf, rectangle rect, int bpp) throws tesseractexception  {     tessapi api = tessapi.instance;     tessapi.tessbaseapi handle = api.tessbaseapicreate();     api.tessbaseapiinit2(handle, datapath, language, ocrenginemode);     api.tessbaseapisetpagesegmode(handle, psm);      enumeration em = prop.propertynames();     while (em.hasmoreelements())      {         string key = (string) em.nextelement();         api.tessbaseapisetvariable(handle, key, prop.getproperty(key));     }      int bytespp = bpp / 8;     int bytespl = (int) math.ceil(xsize * bpp / 8.0);     api.tessbaseapisetimage(handle, buf, xsize, ysize, bytespp, bytespl);      if (rect != null && !rect.equals(empty_rectangle))      {         api.tessbaseapisetrectangle(handle, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);     }      pointer utf8text = hocr ? api.tessbaseapigethocrtext(handle, pagenum - 1) : api.tessbaseapigetutf8text(handle);     string str = utf8text.getstring(0);     api.tessdeletetext(utf8text);     api.tessbaseapidelete(handle);      return str; } } 

i'm using tesseract first time please tell me i'm doing wrong.

for tesseract have pass exact image want ocr on, example, suppose reading chest numbers of players, if pass cropped , gray scaled image of chest number read text, if pass whole image not read. can using.

string doocr(bufferedimage img, rectangle rect); 

well i'm passing cropped image directly i'm not using above method, code looks rite now.

public class javaapplication10 {  /**  * @param args command line arguments  */ public static void main(string[] args)  {     try      {                    file imagefile = new file("c:\\users\\manesh\\desktop\\116.jpg"); //this cropped image of chest number.         bufferedimage img =;         //bufferedimageop grayscaleconv =  new colorconvertop(colorframe.getcolormodel().getcolorspace(), grayscaleconv.filter(colorframe, grayframe);         tesseract instance = tesseract.getinstance();  // jna interface mapping         colorspace cs = colorspace.getinstance(colorspace.cs_gray);           colorconvertop op = new colorconvertop(cs, null);         op.filter(img, img); // gray scaling image         // tesseract1 instance = new tesseract1(); // jna direct mapping         try          {                string result = instance.doocr(img);             system.out.println("hahahaha");             system.out.println("the result is: " + result);         }         catch (tesseractexception e)          {             system.out.println("error:" + e);         }     }     catch (ioexception ex)      {         logger.getlogger(javaapplication10.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex);     }   } } 

this found please feel free correct me if i'm wrong anywhere.


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