python - combining 2D arrays to 3D arrays -

hello have 3 numpy arrays given below.

>>> print [[ 1.  0.  0.]  [ 3.  0.  0.]  [ 5.  2.  0.]  [ 2.  0.  0.]  [ 1.  2.  1.]] >>> print b [[  5.   9.   9.]  [ 37.   8.   9.]  [ 49.   8.   3.]  [  3.   3.   1.]  [  4.   4.   5.]] >>>  >>> print c [[ 0.  0.  0.]  [ 0.  6.  0.]  [ 1.  4.  6.]  [ 6.  2.  0.]  [ 0.  5.  4.]] 

i combine them

[[[  1.   0.   0.]   [  5.   9.   9.]   [  0.   0.   0.]]   [[  3.   0.   0.]   [ 37.   8.   9.]   [  0.   6.   0.]]   [[  5.   2.   0.]   [ 49.   8.   3.]   [  1.   4.   6.]]   [[  2.   0.   0.]   [  3.   3.   1.]   [  6.   2.   0.]]   [[  1.   2.   1.]   [  4.   4.   5.]   [  0.   5.   4.]]] 

that take 1 row each array. tell me simple way it? tried hstack, vstack. not giving desired result.

thanks !

a solution using numpy dstack:

>>> import numpy np >>> np.dstack((a,b,c)).swapaxes(1,2) array([[[ 1,  0,  0],         [ 5,  9,  9],         [ 0,  0,  0]],         [[ 3,  0,  0],         [37,  8,  9],         [ 0,  6,  0]],         [[ 5,  2,  0],         [49,  8,  3],         [ 1,  4,  6]],         [[ 2,  0,  0],         [ 3,  3,  1],         [ 6,  2,  0]],         [[ 1,  2,  1],         [ 4,  4,  5],         [ 0,  5,  4]]]) 


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