ehcache - How to avoid lost data in Terracotta BigMemory Go -
i'm testing bigmemory go performances, , notice lost of data.
this unit test:
public class bigmemorygoperformancetest { public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception { bigmemorygoperformancetest test = new bigmemorygoperformancetest(); test.testbigmemorygoperformance(args[0], long.valueof(args[1]), long.valueof(args[2])); } @dataprovider(name = "bigmemorygoperformance") public object[][] bigmemorygoperformance() { return new object[][] { { "very small", 250000, 1 } ,{ "small", 1000000, 2 } ,{ "large", 10000000, 2 } ,{ "very large", 50000000, 4 } }; } @test(dataprovider="bigmemorygoperformance") public void testbigmemorygoperformance(string testname, long maxregisters, long externalmemory) throws ioexception { configuration managerconfiguration = new configuration(); managerconfiguration.updatecheck(true) .monitoring(configuration.monitoring.autodetect) .name("config") .cache(new cacheconfiguration() .name("testperformance") .maxbyteslocalheap(128, memoryunit.megabytes) .maxbyteslocaloffheap(externalmemory, memoryunit.gigabytes) .eternal(true) ); cachemanager manager = cachemanager.create(managerconfiguration); cache cache = manager.getcache("testperformance"); try { system.out.println("first pass: insert " + maxregisters + " nodes."); long mms = system.currenttimemillis(); (long = 0; < maxregisters; i++) { itemfortesting item = new itemfortesting(); = i; item.lastway = i; item.latitude = new double(i); item.longitude = new double(i); cache.put( new element(i, item) ); } long timeinmms = system.currenttimemillis() - mms; system.out.println(testname + " --> inserted " + maxregisters + " registers in " + timeinmms + " mms. performance: " + ((long)(maxregisters * 1000d / timeinmms)) + " regs per seconds writing." ); system.out.println("second pass: reading " + maxregisters + " nodes."); mms = system.currenttimemillis(); (long = 0; < maxregisters; i++) { element element = cache.get(i); itemfortesting item = (itemfortesting)element.getobjectvalue(); // <--- null point exception !!!!! } timeinmms = system.currenttimemillis() - mms; system.out.println(testname + " --> read " + maxregisters + " registers in " + timeinmms + " mms. performance: " + ((long)(maxregisters * 1000d / timeinmms)) + " regs per seconds reading." ); system.out.println("third pass: updating " + maxregisters + " nodes."); mms = system.currenttimemillis(); (long = 0; < maxregisters; i++) { element element = cache.get(i); itemfortesting item = (itemfortesting)element.getobjectvalue(); item.latitude = item.latitude +1; cache.put( new element(i, item) ); } timeinmms = system.currenttimemillis() - mms; system.out.println(testname + " --> updated " + maxregisters + " registers in " + timeinmms + " mms. performance: " + ((long)(maxregisters * 1000d / timeinmms)) + " regs per seconds reading." ); system.out.println("fourth pass: deleting " + maxregisters + " nodes."); mms = system.currenttimemillis(); (long = 0; < maxregisters; i++) { element element = cache.get(i); itemfortesting item = (itemfortesting)element.getobjectvalue(); item.latitude = item.latitude +1; cache.remove( new element(i, item) ); } timeinmms = system.currenttimemillis() - mms; system.out.println(testname + " --> removed " + maxregisters + " registers in " + timeinmms + " mms. performance: " + ((long)(maxregisters * 1000d / timeinmms)) + " regs per seconds reading." ); } { if (manager != null) manager.shutdown(); } } }
in "very large", using 50.000.000 iterations, when read data in second pass, return null. data lost!! configuration set eternal = true. how avoid lost data?
what wrong?
i suspect need pin elements avoid expiration. try config looks this:
<cache name="mybigmemorygostore" maxbyteslocalheap="1m" eternal="true" maxbyteslocaloffheap="2g"> <persistence strategy="none"/> <pinning store="incache" /> <sizeofpolicy maxdepth="100000" maxdepthexceededbehavior="continue"/>
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