php - javascript slider not working -

i have slider in wordpress theme it's not working. have done settings right , won't slide. automatically or manually. see eveyrthing seems tobe correct. have followed manufacturer instructions can't seem sort out. here website:

<?php if ( !$paged && get_option('woo_featured') == "true" ) { ?> <script type="text/javascript">   jquery(document).ready(function(){ jquery("#loopedslider").loopedslider({ <?php     $autostart = 0;     $slidespeed = 600;     if ( get_option("woo_slider_auto") == "true" )         $autostart = get_option("woo_slider_interval") * 1000;     else         $autostart = 0;     if ( get_option("woo_slider_speed") <> "" )          $slidespeed = get_option("woo_slider_speed") * 1000; ?>     autostart: <?php echo $autostart; ?>,      slidespeed: <?php echo $slidespeed; ?>,      autoheight: true }); }); </script> <?php } ?> <div id="sliderwrap"> <div class="innerwrap"> <div id="loopedslider"> <?php $img_pos = get_option('woo_featured_img_pos'); ?> <?php $saved = $wp_query; query_posts('suppress_filters=0&post_type=slide&order=asc&orderby=date&showposts=20'); ?> <?php if (have_posts()) : $count = 0; $postcount = $wp_query->post_count; ?>   <div class="container">      <div class="slides">          <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>         <?php if (!woo_image('return=true')) continue; // don't show slides without   image ?>         <?php $count++; ?>          <div id="slide-<?php echo $count; ?>" class="slide">              <div class="slide-content <?php if($img_pos == "left") { echo "fr"; } else { echo "fl"; } ?>">                  <h2 class="slide-title">                     <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?   php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>                     <?php if ($postcount > 1) echo '<span   class="controlsbg">&nbsp;</span>'; ?>                 </h2>                  <p><?php the_content(); ?></p>              </div><!-- /.slide-content -->              <?php if (woo_image('return=true')) { ?>             <div class="image <?php if($img_pos == "left") { echo "fl"; } else { echo "fr"; } ?>">                 <?php woo_image('width=515&height=245&class=feat-image&link=img'); ?>             </div>             <?php } ?>              <div class="fix"></div>          </div>          <?php endwhile; ?>       </div><!-- /.slides -->     <?php if($count > 1) { ?>         <ul class="nav-buttons <?php if($img_pos == "left") { echo "right"; } else { } ?>">             <li id="p"><a href="#" class="previous"></a></li>             <li id="n"><a href="#" class="next"></a></li>         </ul>     <?php } ?>  </div><!-- /.container -->  <div class="fix"></div>   <?php else :  ?>     <p class="note"><?php _e( 'please add "slides" featured slider.', 'woothemes' ); ?></p>  <?php endif; $wp_query = $saved;?>    </div><!-- /#loopedslider -->  </div> </div><!-- /#sliderwrap --> 

jquery code:

(function(jquery) { jquery.fn.loopedslider = function(options) {

var defaults = {                 container: '.container',     slides: '.slides',     pagination: '.pagination',     containerclick: false, // click container next slide     autostart: 0, // set positive number auto start , interval time     restart: 0, // set positive number restart , restart time     slidespeed: 100, // speed of slide animation     fadespeed: 100, // speed of fade animation     autoheight: false // set positive number auto height , animation speed };  this.each(function() {      var obj = jquery(this);     var o = jquery.extend(defaults, options);     var pagination = jquery(o.pagination+' li a',obj);     var m = 0;     var t = 1;     var s = jquery(o.slides,obj).children().size();     var w = jquery(o.slides,obj).children().outerwidth();     var p = 0;     var u = false;     var n = 0;     var interval=0;     var restart=0;      jquery(o.slides,obj).css({width:(s*w)});      jquery(o.slides,obj).children().each(function(){         jquery(this).css({position:'absolute',left:p,display:'block'});         p=p+w;     });      jquery(pagination,obj).each(function(){         n=n+1;         jquery(this).attr('rel',n);         jquery(pagination.eq(0),obj).parent().addclass('active');     });      if (s!=1) { // woothemes add     jquery(o.slides,obj).children(':eq('+(s-1)+')').css({position:'absolute',left:-w});     } // woothemes add      if (s>3) {         jquery(o.slides,obj).children(':eq('+(s-1)+')').css({position:'absolute',left:-w});     }      if(o.autoheight){autoheight(t);}      jquery('.next',obj).click(function(){         if(u===false) {             animate('next',true);             if(o.autostart){                 if (o.restart) {autostart();}                 else {clearinterval(sliderintervalid);}             }         } return false;     });      jquery('.previous',obj).click(function(){         if(u===false) {              animate('prev',true);             if(o.autostart){                 if (o.restart) {autostart();}                 else {clearinterval(sliderintervalid);}             }         } return false;     });      if (o.containerclick) {         jquery(o.container ,obj).click(function(){             if(u===false) {                 animate('next',true);                 if(o.autostart){                     if (o.restart) {autostart();}                     else {clearinterval(sliderintervalid);}                 }             } return false;         });     } 

you're using slide on "#loopedslider" element:


but div holds container slides, instead of slides itself. have 2 options: 1) remove container or 2) switch slider element holding slides:



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