sql server - SQL show entries where a specific field shows up multiple times -

first off here data using:

name, phone, email & invoicecost

i trying write query selects name, phone & email details where

  • the user (identified email) has made 2 or more purchases within last 180 days
  • the total cost of of invoices within these 180 days comes on 500

below sql have come far doubt of use @ all:

select name, phone, email, invoicecost invoice join     (select invoice.email, count(*) totalcount,      sum(          case when invoice.invoicedate >= (getdate() - 180)                1                else 0           end) lastsixmonths      invoice      group invoice.email) e on invoice.email = e.email (e.totalcount > 1 , e.lastsixmonths = 1); 

i can't figure out how incorporate total cost part, please help!

assuming consider unique combinations of name, phone, , email individual customers:

select name, phone, email, count(*) totalcount, sum(invoicecost) totalcost invoice group email, name, phone datediff(d, invoicedate, getdate()) <= 180 having count(*) >= 2 or sum(invoicecost) > 500.0 


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