windows - TestComplete: make other process hang -

we using testcomplete automation ui test. there several process in our app. ui in seperate process. met problem: ui process(console.exe) remote call background process (frameworkcache.exe) through com, background process hung. using windbg dump call stack:

0 id: e20.18e0 suspend: 1 teb: 7efdd000 unfrozen childebp retaddr args child
0018fe74 771e7c1d 0018feb0 00000000 00000000 user32!ntusergetmessage+0x15 0018fe94 004203e9 0018feb0 00000000 00000000 user32!getmessagea+0xa1 0018fecc 00422f9a 004d7d78 0018feec 00423b12 frameworkcache! atl::catlexemodulet::runmessageloop+0x19 [c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\atlbase.h @ 3531] 0018fed8 00423b12 0000000a 00554a9f 00000000 frameworkcache!atl::catlexemodulet::run+0x1a [c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\atlbase.h @ 3552] 0018feec 00423b41 0000000a 0018ff88 00432f5f frameworkcache!atl::catlexemodulet::winmain+0x42 [c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\atlbase.h @ 3364] 0018fef8 00432f5f 00400000 00000000 00554a9f frameworkcache!winmain+0x11 [*t:\horizon\src\hzframework\datastore\servers\frameworkcache\release\frameworkcache.inj:5 @ 14] 0018ff88 773c33aa 7efde000 0018ffd4 77e99ef2 frameworkcache!__tmaincrtstartup+0x140 [f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crtexe.c @ 578] 0018ff94 77e99ef2 7efde000 7dd4f8e1 00000000 kernel32!basethreadinitthunk+0xe 0018ffd4 77e99ec5 004330df 7efde000 00000000 ntdll!__rtluserthreadstart+0x70 0018ffec 00000000 004330df 7efde000 00000000 ntdll!_rtluserthreadstart+0x1b

1 id: e20.9f0 suspend: 1 teb: 7efda000 unfrozen childebp retaddr args child
0245fdf4 77eb2f51 00000003 0064e878 00000001 ntdll!zwwaitformultipleobjects+0x15 0245ff88 773c33aa 00000000 0245ffd4 77e99ef2 ntdll!tppwaiterpthread+0x33d 0245ff94 77e99ef2 0064e848 7f89f8e1 00000000 kernel32!basethreadinitthunk+0xe 0245ffd4 77e99ec5 77eb2e25 0064e848 00000000 ntdll!__rtluserthreadstart+0x70 0245ffec 00000000 77eb2e25 0064e848 00000000 ntdll!_rtluserthreadstart+0x1b

2 id: e20.1058 suspend: 1 teb: 7efa6000 unfrozen childebp retaddr args child
0861fedc 771e790d 0861ff1c 00000000 00000000 user32!ntusergetmessage+0x15 0861fef8 7707a44e 0861ff1c 00000000 00000000 user32!getmessagew+0x33 0861ff38 7707853b 00007530 773c1151 074fba38 ole32!cdllhost::staworkerloop+0x81 [d:\w7rtm\com\ole32\com\objact\dllhost.cxx @ 957] 0861ff54 7707a4ac 0861ff78 7708cd48 771a7b68 ole32!cdllhost::workerthread+0xd0 [d:\w7rtm\com\ole32\com\objact\dllhost.cxx @ 825] 0861ff5c 7708cd48 771a7b68 00000000 074fba38 ole32!dllhostthreadentry+0xd [d:\w7rtm\com\ole32\com\objact\dllhost.cxx @ 758] 0861ff78 7708d87a 00000000 00000000 0861ff94 ole32!crpcthread::workerloop+0x26 [d:\w7rtm\com\ole32\com\dcomrem\threads.cxx @ 257] 0861ff88 773c33aa 074fba38 0861ffd4 77e99ef2 ole32!crpcthreadcache::rpcworkerthreadentry+0x16 [d:\w7rtm\com\ole32\com\dcomrem\threads.cxx @ 63] 0861ff94 77e99ef2 074fba38 75adf8e1 00000000 kernel32!basethreadinitthunk+0xe 0861ffd4 77e99ec5 7708d864 074fba38 00000000 ntdll!__rtluserthreadstart+0x70 0861ffec 00000000 7708d864 074fba38 00000000 ntdll!_rtluserthreadstart+0x1b

3 id: e20.3f0 suspend: 1 teb: 7efa3000 unfrozen childebp retaddr args child
08e1fe7c 75ef149d 0000022c 00000000 00000000 ntdll!ntwaitforsingleobject+0x15 08e1fee8 773c1194 0000022c ffffffff 00000000 kernelbase!waitforsingleobjectex+0x98 08e1ff00 773c1148 0000022c ffffffff 00000000 kernel32!waitforsingleobjecteximplementation+0x75 * error: symbol file not found. defaulted export symbols c:\program files (x86)\smartbear\testexecute 9\bin\tchook.dll - 08e1ff14 087d13ad 0000022c ffffffff 08e1ff78 kernel32!waitforsingleobject+0x12 warning: stack unwind information not available. following frames may wrong. 08e1ff7c 087d14ef 0895ebf4 08e1ff94 773c33aa tchook+0x13ad 08e1ff88 773c33aa 0895ebf4 08e1ffd4 77e99ef2 tchook+0x14ef 08e1ff94 77e99ef2 0895ebf4 752df8e1 00000000 kernel32!basethreadinitthunk+0xe 08e1ffd4 77e99ec5 087d14d0 0895ebf4 00000000 ntdll!__rtluserthreadstart+0x70 08e1ffec 00000000 087d14d0 0895ebf4 00000000 ntdll!_rtluserthreadstart+0x1b

4 id: e20.9d0 suspend: 1 teb: 7ef9d000 unfrozen childebp retaddr args child
0b2fff08 75ef3bc8 00000000 0b2fff4c 9f2a9975 ntdll!zwdelayexecution+0x15 0b2fff70 75ef4498 ffffffff 00000000 0b2fff94 kernelbase!sleepex+0x65 * error: symbol file not found. defaulted export symbols c:\program files (x86)\smartbear\testexecute 9\bin\extensions\tcopenapphook.dll - 0b2fff80 09a54652 ffffffff 773c33aa 00000000 kernelbase!sleep+0xf warning: stack unwind information not available. following frames may wrong. 0b2fff94 77e99ef2 00000000 76e3f8e1 00000000 tcopenapphook!getmoduleintf+0x15062 0b2fffd4 77e99ec5 09a54640 00000000 00000000 ntdll!__rtluserthreadstart+0x70 0b2fffec 00000000 09a54640 00000000 00000000 ntdll!_rtluserthreadstart+0x1b

5 id: e20.1550 suspend: 1 teb: 7ef97000 unfrozen childebp retaddr args child
0b4ffdb0 75ef149d 000003c0 00000000 0b4ffdf8 ntdll!ntwaitforsingleobject+0x15 0b4ffe1c 773c1194 000003c0 00000064 00000000 kernelbase!waitforsingleobjectex+0x98 0b4ffe34 773c1148 000003c0 00000064 00000000 kernel32!waitforsingleobjecteximplementation+0x75 0b4ffe48 09a413f3 000003c0 00000064 00000000 kernel32!waitforsingleobject+0x12 warning: stack unwind information not available. following frames may wrong. 0b4ffe54 00000000 00000000 0b4fff94 0af125c0 tcopenapphook!getmoduleintf+0x1e03

6 id: e20.1438 suspend: 1 teb: 7efaf000 unfrozen childebp retaddr args child
0265fe28 77eb3352 000000dc 0265fedc 7fa9f8bd ntdll!ntwaitforworkviaworkerfactory+0x12 0265ff88 773c33aa 0064dbb8 0265ffd4 77e99ef2 ntdll!tppworkerthread+0x216 0265ff94 77e99ef2 0064dbb8 7fa9f8e1 00000000 kernel32!basethreadinitthunk+0xe 0265ffd4 77e99ec5 77eb3e45 0064dbb8 00000000 ntdll!__rtluserthreadstart+0x70 0265ffec 00000000 77eb3e45 0064dbb8 00000000 ntdll!_rtluserthreadstart+0x1b

it seems there's 3 thread related testcomplete! background process haven't ui. guess testcomplete should hook win32 api. haven't idea check this.



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