c++ - Compiler error while trying to read evtx file? -

i getting compiler error _t identifier not found..kindly me in resolving error?? want make program in c?? first resolving errors can debug , watch flow?? compiling on vs 2008

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std;  typedef unsigned long ulong;  typedef struct _eventlogheader { ulong headersize; ulong signature; ulong majorversion; ulong minorversion; ulong startoffset; ulong endoffset; ulong currentrecordnumber; ulong oldestrecordnumber; ulong maxsize; ulong flags; ulong retention; ulong endheadersize; } eventlogheader, *peventlogheader;    typedef unsigned long dword; typedef unsigned short word; typedef struct _eventlogrecord {     dword length;     dword reserved;     dword recordnumber;     dword timegenerated;     dword timewritten;     dword eventid;     word  eventtype;     word  numstrings;     word  eventcategory;     word  reservedflags;     dword closingrecordnumber;     dword stringoffset;     dword usersidlength;     dword usersidoffset;     dword datalength;     dword dataoffset; } eventlogrecord, *peventlogrecord;  void main() {     ifstream file;     file.open("c:\windows\system32\winevt\logs\\application.evtx",ios::in|ios::binary);      if(file.is_open()){         _eventlogheader logheader;         _eventlogrecord logrecord;          //reading header         file.read((char*)&logheader,sizeof(_eventlogheader));          int startoflog;         //loop on every record         for(unsigned int numberfile=0;numberfile < logheader.currentrecordnumber -1;numberfile++){             //save position             startoflog = file.tellg();             //read log record             file.read((char*)&logrecord,sizeof(_eventlogrecord));              /*******************************************************             here other information (section 'remarks' on 'eventlogrecord structure' link              ********************************************************/              //reading sourcename             wchar_t buffdata;             wstring sourcename;             file.read((char*)&buffdata,sizeof(wchar_t));             while(buffdata!=_t('\0')){                 sourcename.push_back(buffdata);                 file.read((char*)&buffdata,sizeof(wchar_t));             }              //reading computer name             wstring computername;             file.read((char*)&buffdata,sizeof(wchar_t));             while(buffdata!=_t('\0')){                 computername.push_back(buffdata);                 file.read((char*)&buffdata,sizeof(wchar_t));             }              //sets position sid offset              int readcursor = startoflog + logrecord.usersidoffset;             file.seekg(readcursor);              char * usersid = null;             if(logrecord.usersidlength != 0)             {                 usersid = (pchar)malloc(logrecord.usersidlength);                 file.read(usersid,logrecord.usersidlength); //reading sid                 //here can work on sid (but need win32 api).if need it, show how deal sid                  free(usersid);             }              //sets position strings offset             readcursor = startoflog + logrecord.stringoffset;             file.seekg(readcursor);             wstring buffstring;             vector<wstring> allstrings;             //reading strings             for(int i=0; i< logrecord.numstrings; i++) {                 file.read((char*)&buffdata,sizeof(wchar_t));                 while(buffdata!=_t('\0')){                     buffstring.push_back(buffdata);                     file.read((char*)&buffdata,sizeof(wchar_t));                 }                 allstrings.push_back(buffstring);                 buffstring.clear();             }              //sets position data offset             readcursor = startoflog + logrecord.dataoffset;             file.seekg(readcursor);             unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)malloc(logrecord.datalength*sizeof(unsigned char));             file.read((char*)data,logrecord.datalength); //lecture des données              //sets position end of log offset             readcursor = startoflog + logrecord.length - sizeof(dword) ;             file.seekg(readcursor);             dword length;             file.read((char*)&length,sizeof(dword));              //do want log record              //clean before reading next log             computername.clear();             sourcename.clear();             allstrings.clear();             free(data);     } } } 

_t windows-specific means of specifying either narrow character constant/string literal, or wide character constant/string literal, depending on project settings. requires appropriate #include directives not present in code, it's not compiler-defined macro.

however, don't need it. you're using in while(buffdata!=_t('\0')), buffdata has type wchar_t, independent of project settings. in case, use wide character constant: l'\0'.


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