java - Servlet Filter not working when exception is thrown -

what trying do?

i trying generate new timestamped tokens server side client can use in subsequent request

what have tried?

i have servlet filter wraps around rest calls , looks like

@webfilter(urlpatterns = "/rest/secure") public class securityfilter implements filter {      private static final pattern pattern = pattern.compile(":");     private static final logger logger = loggerfactory.getlogger(securityfilter.class);      @override     public void init(final filterconfig filterconfig) throws servletexception {         //"initializing securityfilter");     }      @override     public void dofilter(final servletrequest request, final servletresponse response, final filterchain chain) throws ioexception, servletexception {         final httpservletresponse httpservletresponse = (httpservletresponse) response;         final string authtoken = getauthenticationheadervalue((httpservletrequest) request);          try {             validateauthtoken(authtoken);         } catch (illegalargumentexception tokennotvalidexception) {             logger.error("invalid token");             httpservletresponse.senderror(401);         }          try {             chain.dofilter(request, response);         } catch (exception e) {             logger.error("exception: " + e.getmessage());         }finally {             final string newauthtoken = generatenewauthtoken(authtoken);             httpservletresponse.addheader(auth_token, newauthtoken);   "added new security token: " + newauthtoken);         }     } 

and in 1 of endpoints do

@put public response updateuser() {     throw new illegalargumentexception("just test purposes"); } 

i using resteasy rest based work.

and using seam rest library map server exceptions rest based exceptions

@exceptionmapping.list({         @exceptionmapping(exceptiontype = illegalargumentexception.class, status = 400, useexceptionmessage = true),         @exceptionmapping(exceptiontype = persistenceexception.class, status = 400, useexceptionmessage = true),         @exceptionmapping(exceptiontype = constraintviolationexception.class, status = 400, useexceptionmessage = true),         @exceptionmapping(exceptiontype = validationexception.class, status = 400, useexceptionmessage = true),         @exceptionmapping(exceptiontype = noresultexception.class, status = 404, useexceptionmessage = true),         @exceptionmapping(exceptiontype = illegalstateexception.class, status = 406, useexceptionmessage = true),         @exceptionmapping(exceptiontype = noclassdeffounderror.class, status = 404, useexceptionmessage = true),         @exceptionmapping(exceptiontype = unsupportedoperationexception.class, status = 400, useexceptionmessage = true), }) @applicationpath("/rest") public class marketapplicationconfiguration extends application { } 

- when endpoint throws exception, callback never returned filter code.
- when use try/catch/finally follows

        try {                 chain.dofilter(request, response);             } catch (exception e) {                 logger.error("exception: " + e.getmessage());             }finally {                 final string newauthtoken = generatenewauthtoken(authtoken);                 httpservletresponse.addheader(auth_token, newauthtoken);       "added new security token: " + newauthtoken);             } 

- can test illegalargumentexception mapped http 400 based on seam rest exception mapping, never returned securityfilter code in case of server exceptions.

- want generate server tokens when application throws exception(s) client can use them
- how can, in case of exceptions, can route response through securityfilter?

i think should use purpose own exceptions handler can defined in web.xml , in case of exception should process inside exception handler , not in filter.

you can more details in article "servlets - exception handling"


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