windows 8 - C# HttpClient weird error -

i have following code runs no issues on windows phone 8, running on windows 8 results in error.


exception received while submitting payload:    @ system.runtime.compilerservices.taskawaiter.throwfornonsuccess(task task)    @ system.runtime.compilerservices.taskawaiter.handlenonsuccessanddebuggernotification(task task)    @ system.runtime.compilerservices.taskawaiter`1.getresult()    @ fooproject.httphelper.<submitrequesttomobileanalytics>d__a.movenext() in c:\users\foo_000\documents\github\fooproject\httphelper.cs:line 135 inner exception is:    @ internalcall, boolean aborting)    @ closestate)    @ disposing)    @    @<>c__displayclass8.<getrequeststreamcallback>b__6(task task) 


string jsonpayload = "<<<some json payload>>>";  using (httpclient httpclient = new httpclient())             {                  try                 {                     //converting json payload gzipped byte array                         byte[] payload = compressasbyte(jsonpayload);                     if (payload != null)                     {                         httprequestmessage request = new httprequestmessage(, config.instance().trackingserver);                         request.content = new bytearraycontent(payload);                         request.content.headers.add("content-encoding", "gzip");                         request.content.headers.add("content-type", "application/json");                         httpresponsemessage response = await httpclient.sendasync(request);                          return (int)response.statuscode;                     }                     else                     {                         return 0;                     }                  }                 catch (system.exception e)                 {                      logger.log("exception received while submitting payload: " + e.stacktrace);                     if (e.innerexception != null)                     {                         logger.log("inner exception is: " + e.innerexception.stacktrace);                      }                      return 0;                  }             } 

for windows phone 8 app, referencing microsoft httpclient nuget repository. windows 8, packages , visible me.

for reason, same code running on phone works , on windows 8 tablet (simulator), throws error.

am missing using httpclient on windows 8?

i added following code, worked magic.

request.content.headers.add("content-length", payload.length.tostring()); 

i don't know why succeeded without line on windows phone 8.

but worked.


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