bat files: "command not found" -

i have 2 bat files a) h:\ad009\apk_apps_oppogallery2\oppogallery2\oppogallery3d_n1\123.bat

   ant release 

b) d:\users\administrator\desktop

@echo off  rem 关闭自动输出 rem 接收输入 :begin set home=h:\n1_rom_svn685\apq\linux set target=msm8960 set psfile=c:/ps.log   set input=0 echo project=%home% echo 0: adbshell echo 1: vendor_server echo 2: libcameraservice echo 3: pushapk echo 4: compileapk echo -1: exit set /p input=请输入字符串:   rem 输出得到的输入信息  echo 您输入的字符串是:%input%  adb remount if %input%==0 goto adbshell if %input%==1 goto vendor_server if %input%==2 goto libcameraservice if %input%==3 goto pushapk if %input%==4 goto compileapk if %input%==-1 goto exit echo adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\ /system/lib/ goto kill  :vendor_server echo adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\hw\ /system/lib/hw/ adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\                         /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\                /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\              /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\                   /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\                /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\                      /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\                /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\               /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\    /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\          /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\              /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\       /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\  /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\        /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\            /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\       /system/lib adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\hw\                    /system/lib/hw goto kill  :libcameraservice echo adb push %home%\out\target\product\%target%\system\lib\ /system/lib/ goto kill  :pushapk echo oppogallery.apk goto kill  :compileapk cd /d h:\ad009\apk_apps_oppogallery2\oppogallery2\oppogallery3d_n1 start h:\ad009\apk_apps_oppogallery2\oppogallery2\oppogallery3d_n1\123.bat goto kill  :kill adb shell ps > %psfile% python d:\users\administrator\desktop\ %psfile% adb shell kill %errorlevel% goto begin  :adbshell adb shell  :end set input = 0; goto begin  :exit echo bye pause 

i enter 4, want label "compileapk" executed, report can't find ant

when typed "echo %path%", can find ant'spath in output.

but when double click 123.bat manually, can executed.


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