java - how do i get notified from buddy image change Xmpp android -

i trying develop xmpp client , displaying buddylist images.i storing images in cache directory quick retrieval , unnesscary network usuage.the problem here if buddy has changed image how notified fetch new image server ,not local cache. please suggest.

im using asmack api.

private static xmppconnection connection;  // if changes occured in buddylist connection.getroster().addrosterlistener(new rosterlistener() {              @override             public void presencechanged(presence arg0) {              }              @override             public void entriesupdated(collection<string> arg0) {              }              @override             public void entriesdeleted(collection<string> arg0) {              }              @override             public void entriesadded(collection<string> arg0) {              }         }); 

fetch userlist

private arraylist<hashmap<string, string>> getuserlist() throws exception {          arraylist<hashmap<string, string>> userlist = new arraylist<hashmap<string, string>>();         if (isconnectionalive() || reconnectandauth()) {             roster roster = connection.getroster();             collection<rosterentry> entries = roster.getentries();             (rosterentry entry : entries) {                 string avatarpath = "";                 vcard vcard = new vcard();                 try {                     vcard.load(connection, entry.getuser());                     vcard.getextensions();                     byte[] b = vcard.getavatar();                     bitmap avatar = bitmapfactory.decodebytearray(vcard.getavatar(), 0, b.length);                     avatarpath = savaavatar(avatar, entry.getuser());                 } catch (exception e) {                 }                  hashmap<string, string> user = new hashmap<string, string>();                 user.put("name", entry.getname());                 user.put("userid", entry.getuser());                 user.put("statusmsg", "" + entry.getstatus());                 user.put("user_avatar", avatarpath);                 user.put("status", "" + connection.getroster().getpresence(entry.getuser()).isavailable());                 userlist.add(user);             }         }         return userlist;     } 


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