c++ - Sobel filter output from opencv and Matlab different -
i converting code matlab opencv. tried use sobel in opencv output of opencv , matlab different reason. how can make ouput of opencv same matlab? matlab code :
[sobel_edges,t,v,h] = edge(rgb2gray(im),'sobel',0.03); sobel_angles = atan2(v,h); sobel_weights = (v.*v+h.*h).^0.5;
where 0.03 threshold. in opencv when use prebuilt sobel filter output different of matlab engle , magnitude calculated in openc vis different. opencv code is:
mat gray_img=mat::zeros(img.size(),cv_8u); mat gradientx=mat::zeros(gray_img.size(),cv_64f); mat gradienty=mat::zeros(gray_img.size(),cv_64f); mat sobel_edge=mat::zeros(gray_img.size(),cv_64f); cvtcolor(img, gray_img, cv_bgr2gray); sobel(gray_img, gradientx, gradientx.type(), 1, 0, 3); sobel(gray_img, gradienty, gradienty.type(), 0, 1, 3); sobel(gray_img,sobel_edge,sobel_edge.type(),1,1,3); sobel_edge.convertto(sobel_edge,cv_8u); sobel_edge.convertto(sobel_edge,cv_64f); sobel_edge=sobel_edge/255.0; //i divided 255 becuz in matlab output between 0 1 imshow("sobel",sobel_edge); mat magnitude(gray_img.size(), cv_64f, cv::scalar(0.0)); mat angles=mat::zeros(gradientx.size(),cv_64f); bool anglesindegrees = true; carttopolar(gradientx, gradienty, magnitude, angles, anglesindegrees);
the sobel edge different , magnitude , angle too, tried convert manually sobel in opencv looking @ edge function in matlab still output different because turns out filter2d of opencv , imfilter in matlab returns different output. how can obtain same output of sobel in matlab , opencv???the code of manually converting sobel of matlab opencv is:
mat gray_img=mat::zeros(img.size(),cv_32fc1); cvtcolor(img, gray_img, cv_rgb2gray); double minval,maxval; cv::mat gray = cv::mat(gray_img.size(),cv_32fc1); gray_img.convertto(gray_img,cv_32fc1); gray=gray_img/255.0; cout<<gray<<endl<<"end"; double data[]={1,2,1,0,0,0,-1,2,-1}; mat op=mat(3,3,cv_64f,data).clone(); op=op/8; mat x_mask; transpose(op,x_mask); cout<<x_mask<<endl; mat y_mask=op.clone(); int scale=4; int offset[]={0,0,0,0}; double sobel_thresh=0.03; mat bx,by,bx_mul,by_mul,b; point anchor(0,0); float delta = 0.0; cv::filter2d(gray, bx, cv_32fc1, x_mask, anchor, delta, border_replicate); bx=abs(bx); imshow("f1",bx); cv::filter2d(gray, by, cv_32fc1, y_mask, anchor, delta, border_replicate); by=abs(by); imshow("by",by); pow(bx,2,bx_mul); imshow("f2",bx_mul); pow(by,2,by_mul); b= bx_mul+by_mul; imshow("f3",b); double cut_off; cut_off=pow(sobel_thresh,2); mat sobel_edge(gray.size(),cv_32fc1); for(int i=0;i<b.rows;i++) { for(int j=0;j<b.cols;j++) { if((b.at<float>(i,j))>cut_off) { sobel_edge.at<float>(i,j)=1; } else { sobel_edge.at<float>(i,j)=0; } } } imshow("sobel_edge",sobel_edge);
this code gives me same result matlab code:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { namedwindow("result"); mat img=imread("d:\\imagesfortest\\1.tiff",0); img.convertto(img,cv_32fc1,1.0/255.0); mat h,v,g; cv::sobel(img,h,-1,1,0,3,1.0/8.0); cv::sobel(img,v,-1,0,1,3,1.0/8.0); cv::magnitude(h,v,g); // check extremums double m,m; cv::minmaxloc(g,&m,&m); cout << m << ":" << m << endl; cv::minmaxloc(h,&m,&m); cout << m << ":" << m << endl; cv::minmaxloc(v,&m,&m); cout << m << ":" << m << endl; imshow("result",g); cv::waitkey(0); }
opencv never scales convolution result, so, careful.
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