Highchart xaxis data decrease when shift -

i creating chart , populating random data every 5 minute. set xaxis data range 5 hour , when start initial data, it's width full in chart when continuously add point, data width decreasing. how do make not decrease series width?

i have following code:

$(function () {     var current_time = (new date()).gettime()+300000;     var now_time = (new date()).gettime();     var zone_name = ['a','b','c'];      $(document).ready(function() {          highcharts.setoptions({             global: {                 useutc: false             }         });          $('#container').highcharts({             chart: {                 type: 'spline',                 animation: highcharts.svg,                 marginright: 10,                 events: {                     load: function() {                         var chartsss = $('#container').highcharts();                          setinterval(function() {                          for(var i=0;i<zone_name.length;i++)                         {                             var seriessx = chartsss.series[i];                             seriessx.addpoint([current_time, math.random()], false, true);                             seriessx.addpoint([current_time, math.random()], false, true);                         }                              chartsss.redraw();                             current_time += 300000;                          }, 1000);                     }                 }             },             plotoptions: {                 series: {                     marker: {                         enabled: false                     }                 },                 spline: {                 linewidth: 2,                 states: {                     hover: {                         linewidth:3                     }                 },                 marker: {                     enabled: false,                     states: {                         hover: {                             enabled: false,                             symbol: 'circle',                             fillcolor: '#ff0000',                             radius: 4,                             linewidth: 1                         }                     }                 }             },             },             title: {                 text: 'daily zone'             },             xaxis: {                 type: 'datetime',                 datetimelabelformats: {                     day: '%e of %b',                     minute: '%h:%m',                     hour: '%h:%m'                 },                 tickposition: 'inside',                 tickinterval: 3600 * 1000,                 minrange:5 * 3600 * 1000,                 maxrange:5 * 3600 * 1000             },             yaxis: {                 title: {                     text: 'value'                 },                 plotlines: [{                     value: 0,                     width: 1,                     color: '#808080'                 }]             },             tooltip: {                 formatter: function() {                         return '<b>'+ this.series.name +'</b><br/>'+                         highcharts.dateformat('%h:%m', this.x) +'<br/>'+                         highcharts.numberformat(this.y, 2);                 }             },             legend: {                 enabled: true             },             exporting: {                 enabled: false             },             series: (function(){                 var seriesx = [];                 for(var i=0;i<zone_name.length;i++)                 {                     var datax = [];                     var time = (new date()).gettime();                     now_time=current_time;                     for(var j = -59 ;j <= 0;j++)                     {                         datax.push({                             x: now_time,                             y: math.random()                         });                         now_time+=300000;                     }                     seriesx.push({                         name:zone_name[i],                         data: datax                     });                 }                 current_time=now_time;                 return seriesx;             })()         });     });  }); 

jsfiddle link: http://jsfiddle.net/jedipalm/ylfhd/4/

image when started chart: http://i.stack.imgur.com/re8m3.jpg

image when continuously add point in few second :http://i.stack.imgur.com/j8gta.jpg

sorry bad english.

why adding twice same point? highcharts doesn't support 2 points in 1 series same x-value. removed 1 of addpoint() , works fine: http://jsfiddle.net/ylfhd/8/


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