python - (SOLVED) Using PySide and getting a "live update" from QtGui.QColorDialog -

i have qmainwindow application in i'd change background colour of qgraphicsview in real time, using pyside , qtgui.qcolordialog.

i've designed example layout , program follows;

the layout in qt designer...

enter image description here

the generated layout xml...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <ui version="4.0">  <class>colourchanger</class>  <widget class="qmainwindow" name="colourchanger">   <property name="geometry">    <rect>     <x>0</x>     <y>0</y>     <width>486</width>     <height>558</height>    </rect>   </property>   <property name="windowtitle">    <string>mainwindow</string>   </property>   <widget class="qwidget" name="centralwidget">    <widget class="qgraphicsview" name="graphicsview">     <property name="geometry">      <rect>       <x>110</x>       <y>150</y>       <width>256</width>       <height>192</height>      </rect>     </property>    </widget>    <widget class="qpushbutton" name="pushbutton">     <property name="geometry">      <rect>       <x>150</x>       <y>75</y>       <width>171</width>       <height>28</height>      </rect>     </property>     <property name="text">      <string>change background</string>     </property>    </widget>   </widget>   <widget class="qmenubar" name="menubar">    <property name="geometry">     <rect>      <x>0</x>      <y>0</y>      <width>486</width>      <height>25</height>     </rect>    </property>   </widget>   <widget class="qstatusbar" name="statusbar"/>  </widget>  <resources/>  <connections>   <connection>    <sender>pushbutton</sender>    <signal>clicked()</signal>    <receiver>colourchanger</receiver>    <slot>buttonpressed()</slot>    <hints>     <hint type="sourcelabel">      <x>235</x>      <y>113</y>     </hint>     <hint type="destinationlabel">      <x>242</x>      <y>278</y>     </hint>    </hints>   </connection>  </connections>  <slots>   <slot>buttonpressed()</slot>  </slots> </ui> 

the code...

#!/usr/bin/env python3.3  pyside import qtgui, qtcore colourchangermainwindow import ui_colourchanger   class mainwindow(qtgui.qmainwindow, ui_colourchanger):     def __init__(self, parent=none, f=qtcore.qt.windowflags()):         qtgui.qmainwindow.__init__(self, parent, f)         self.setupui(self)       def setupstuff(self):         self.view = self.graphicsview         self.scene = qtgui.qgraphicsscene()         self.scene.setscenerect(qtcore.qrectf(self.view.viewport().rect()))         self.view.setscene(self.scene)         brush = qtgui.qbrush(qtgui.qcolor(0, 0, 0))         brush.setstyle(qtcore.qt.solidpattern)         self.view.setbackgroundbrush(brush)         self.colour_chooser = qtgui.qcolordialog()         self.colour_chooser.blocksignals(true)         self.colour_chooser.currentcolorchanged.connect(self.livecolor)         self.colour_chooser.blocksignals(false)      def buttonpressed(self):         print("buttonpressed colour_chooser= ", self.colour_chooser)      def livecolor(self):         value = self.colour_chooser.currentcolor()         print(value)         print("livecolor colour_chooser= ", self.colour_chooser)    if __name__ == '__main__':     import sys     app = qtgui.qapplication(sys.argv)     window = mainwindow()     window.setupstuff()     app.exec_()     app.deletelater()     sys.exit() 

the questions

when run, setupstuff function sets stuff up, graphics scene , views, , sets qtgui.qcolor object called color_chooser , currentcolorchanged signal connected livecolor function.

i'm printing values terminal @ moment, not updating background...

question 1 : why when i'm changing colour selection, value of self.colour_chooser.currentcolor() static until click ok in colour selection dialog?

question 2 : limitation of dialog or implementing incorrectly reach goal?

the currentcolorchanged signal passes curently selected color argument, can use that:

...  def livecolor(self, color):     print(color)     ... 

the curentcolor property of dialog gets updated when dialog confirmed.


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