c# - how to invoke text change method without lossing focus -

i developing application in have text box writing supplier , shows list of supplier match input text calling text change method , shows result in grid view problem is, method invoked when click outside text box want it, fire user types in text box

asp code

 <table style="width: 100%;">                 <tr>                     <td style="font-weight: bold; font-size: medium; text-align: right;">                         &nbsp;                         supplier name                     </td>                     <td style="text-align: left">                         &nbsp;<asp:textbox id="txtsuppname" runat="server" width="357px"></asp:textbox>                     </td>                 </tr>                 </table>             <asp:panel id="panel1" runat="server" height="616px" scrollbars="auto">                 <asp:updatepanel id="updatepanel1" runat="server">                     <contenttemplate>                         <asp:gridview id="gvsupppayment" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="false"                              cellpadding="4" forecolor="" gridlines="none" width="100%"                               onrowcommand="getsupporderdetails" borderstyle="solid" cssclass="shadow">                                <columns>                                 <asp:templatefield headertext="emaiil id">                                 <itemtemplate>                                                  <asp:linkbutton id="restorantname" runat="server"  commandname="email"  commandargument='<%#eval("supp_email_id")+ ";" +eval("supp_name")+ ";" +eval("area") %>'  text='<%# bind("supp_email_id") %> '>linkbutton</asp:linkbutton>                                    </itemtemplate>                                 </asp:templatefield>                                 <asp:boundfield datafield="supp_name" headertext="supp name" />                                 <asp:boundfield datafield="area" headertext="area" />                                 <asp:boundfield datafield="total_orders" headertext="total orders" />                                 <asp:boundfield datafield="total_amount" headertext="total amount" />                                 <asp:boundfield datafield="total_ammount_recievable"                                      headertext="total ammount recievable" />                                 <asp:boundfield datafield="total_ammount_payable"                                      headertext="total ammount payable" />                                 <asp:boundfield datafield="is_deleted" headertext="is deleted" />                             </columns>                              <headerstyle backcolor="#454545" font-bold="true" forecolor="#35a7c1" />                              <rowstyle cssclass="cartbackground" />                          </asp:gridview>                     </contenttemplate>                 </asp:updatepanel>             </asp:panel> 

c# code

protected void txtsuppname_textchanged(object sender, eventargs e)         { datatable customrangepaymentdt = new datatable(); customrangepaymentdt = srchldobj.balsearchviewaccess("select *from payment_view trimmed_date between '" + (convert.todatetime(txtfromdate.text)).tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") + "' , '" + (convert.todatetime(txttodate.text)).tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") + "'");                 if (customrangepaymentdt.rows.count == 0)                 {                     lblerror.text = "sorry! no result found";                     lblerror.visible = true;                 } gvsupppayment.datasource = customrangepaymentdt;                 gvsupppayment.databind();          } 

thanks in adv..

upto can understand is, want auto suggestion functionality textbox. need in keydown event of textbox. can make ajax call suggestion.


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