How to kill Processes running under different users using c++ code -

the following code works fine in displaying process id of processes (eg: notepad.exe) running under different users. process under current user alone getting killed. need kill processes running under different users.

#define sampleapp "notepad.exe" void main() {     killprocessbyname(sampleapp);     system("pause"); } void killprocessbyname(const char *filename) {     // taking snapshot of processes     handle hsnapshot = createtoolhelp32snapshot(th32cs_snapall, null);     //structure capture each entry in snapshot     processentry32 pentry;     pentry.dwsize = sizeof (pentry);     //capture first process in list     bool hres = process32first(hsnapshot, &pentry);     while (hres)     {         char tempprocess[process_size];// = pentry.szexefile;         wcstombs(tempprocess, pentry.szexefile, process_size);         //if process name equal process passed argument killed         if (strcmp(tempprocess, filename) == 0)         {             handle hprocess = openprocess(process_terminate, 0,                 (dword) pentry.th32processid);             std::cout << "process id of process " << tempprocess << " : " << pentry.th32processid;             if (hprocess != null)             {                 // kill process                  terminateprocess(hprocess, 9);                 closehandle(hprocess);             }         }         //capture next process in process snapshot         hres = process32next(hsnapshot, &pentry);     }     closehandle(hsnapshot); } 

how can kill process, if belongs user?

right-click program, , select "run administrator".


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