Primefaces 3.5 dialog's 'visible' attribute does update correctly after ajax 'close' event -

solution here. (showing , hiding dialog within bean.)

i have dialog , show/hide buttons works fine. dialog reads boolean value backing bean , updates it's visible attribute (which makes show or hide). works fine until close dialog using default close button, fires ajax close event. moment on show/hide buttons not work, or rather dialog not update it's visible state. stays closed forever.

i found out that, after ajax event fired, updates correctly except dialog visible attribute. buttons works fine, updates backing bean correctly (i can see in log file), , dialog panel updated correctly (i can see correct showdialog value displayed on screen).

i know there other ways show/hide dialogs, yet curious happening in case - why works way? there way display dialog reading visibility value bean (and what's more important update bean value when dialog closing)?

my xhtml:

<h:form>     <p:commandbutton value="show d1" actionlistener="#{testbean.enableshowdialog()}" update=":dialogid"/>     <p:commandbutton value="hide d1" actionlistener="#{testbean.disableshowdialog()}" update=":dialogid"/> </h:form> <p:outputpanel id="dialogid">     showdialog value = #{testbean.showdialog}     <p:dialog header="d1" visible="#{testbean.showdialog}">         <p:ajax event="close" listener="#{testbean.disableshowdialog()}" update=":dialogid"/>         test     </p:dialog> </p:outputpanel> 

and backing bean:

@managedbean @viewscoped public class testbean implements serializable {     private static final logger logger = loggerfactory.getlogger("tb");      private boolean showdialog;      public boolean isshowdialog() {"getter isshowdialog={}", showdialog);         return showdialog;     }      public void enableshowdialog() {         showdialog = true;"isshowdialog set true");     }      public void disableshowdialog() {         showdialog = false;"isshowdialog set false");     } } 

maybe can hide close button:


or maybe can update variable through onhide attribute.

i noticed dialog not in form?

found similar post here

and here think hint you, gave me answer: add oncomple="" event buttons , widgetvar="somedialog" dialog understand close changes rendered attribute, thats why can't show it.


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