email - Symfony2 custom user provider can't retrieve user -

i followed guide implement own custom user login. unfortunately says bad credentials during login. exception comes line 72 of symfony\component\security\core\authentication\provider\userauthenticationprovider. exception gets thrown because can't retrieve user.

what changed custom needs users not have username. login email address. think no problem implement.


security:     encoders:         acme\userbundle\entity\user: plaintext      role_hierarchy:         role_admin:       role_user         role_super_admin: [role_user, role_admin, role_allowed_to_switch]      providers:         administrators:             entity: { class: acmeuserbundle:user }      firewalls:         secured_area:             pattern: ^/             anonymous: ~             form_login: ~      access_control:         - { path: ^/login, roles: is_authenticated_anonymously }         - { path: ^/register, roles: is_authenticated_anonymously }         - { path: ^/, roles: role_user } 


class userrepository extends entityrepository implements userproviderinterface {     public function loaduserbyusername($username)     {         $q = $this             ->createquerybuilder('u')             ->where(' = :email')             ->setparameter('email', $username)             ->getquery();          try {             // query::getsingleresult() method throws exception             // if there no record matching criteria.             $user = $q->getsingleresult();         } catch (noresultexception $e) {             $message = sprintf(                 'unable find active admin acmeuserbundle:user object identified "%s".',                 $username             );             throw new usernamenotfoundexception($message, 0, $e);         }          return $user;     }      public function refreshuser(userinterface $user)     {         $class = get_class($user);         if (!$this->supportsclass($class)) {             throw new unsupporteduserexception(                 sprintf(                     'instances of "%s" not supported.',                     $class                 )             );         }          return $this->find($user->getid());     }      public function supportsclass($class)     {         return $this->getentityname() === $class         || is_subclass_of($class, $this->getentityname());     } } 


{% if error %}     <div>{{ error.message }}</div> {% endif %}  <form action="{{ path('login_check') }}" method="post">     <legend>login</legend>     <label for="email">email:</label>     <input type="email" id="email" name="_email" value="{{ email }}"      <label for="password">password:</label>     <input type="password" id="password" name="_password" />      <button type="submit">login</button> </form> 

what have done wrong here? in userrepository queries email username, why can't find user? have speculation has csrf_token? how can add controller , twig file? problem @ oder else did wrong?

by default symfony security uses _username , _password parameters authenticate user via form submit. can see in security configuration reference

form_login:     username_parameter: _username     password_parameter: _password 

so need place _username field name insteadof _email.


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