jquery - Positioning input box of tokeninput -

im kinda stuck jquery tokeninput, i've hacked works great adding freetags database , return id , name new tag. have problems, positioning input auto-complete area, input area "behind" tokens, want in front of tokens.

i appreciate if can give me helping hand :)

if of help, here code far.

                                                                                            $("#xxx").tokeninput("/get-tags", {             theme: "facebook",             noresultstext: "hit enter add",             searchingtext: "searching",             placeholder: 'tags',             freetagginghint: true,             propertytosearch: 'name',             allowfreetagging: true, tokenformatter: function(item) { return "<p name=\"tags[]\" value=\""+item.id+"\">"+item.name+"</p>";  },                                    onfreetaggingadd: function (item) {                     $.ajax({         type: "post",         url: "/dev/ajax/add-tag/",         data: {             tag: item,             uid: 1             },             success: function(data) {                 console.log(data);                 jquery("#tags").tokeninput("add", {id: data, name: item});                 }                 });                 }                                      });                                                                                     }); 

i believe problem may tokenformatter function. various parts of jquery library rely on tokens being <li>'s - found when wrapped tokens in div's.

as easiest fix, wrap tokens in <li>'s, below.

tokenformatter: function(item) {     return "<li><p name=\"tags[]\" value=\""+item.id+"\">"+item.name+"</p></li>";   },  

if messes layout or something, you'll need go through change number of references in library itself, bigger job.


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