wcf - RestSharp throws error in Entity Framework -

string url="https://sampleservicebus.servicebus.windows.net/winphoneservice/"

restclient client = new restclient(url);      restrequest request = new restrequest("getkpimeasuredata", method.post);                kpidomaindata kpidata = new kpidomaindata();                kpidata.kpiid = 1006;                kpidata.scorecardid = 3;                kpidata.engineeringorgid = 11;                kpidata.datavaluetypeid = 1;                kpidata.cumulativemonth = 463;                kpidata.businessorgid = 1;                 string json = newtonsoft.json.jsonconvert.serializeobject(kpidata);                  json = "{\"kpidata\" : " + json + "}";                 request.addparameter("application/json; charset=utf-8", json, parametertype.requestbody);                request.requestformat = dataformat.json;                 observablecollection<kpimeasuredata> kpidetailslist = await client.executetaskasync<observablecollection<kpimeasuredata>>(request);                  client.executeasync(request, response =>                {                    if (response.statuscode == httpstatuscode.ok)                    {                       }                 }); 

in above call in response im getting response.statuscode expectationfailed , response.content follows

actually wcf service uses ef actual calls sp has dynamicsql return resultset..is bcos of dynamic sql in sp.i have created functionimports , complextype.and restcall works when use webclient instead of restclient.but need use restclient only...please help...

   {"errorcode":"1001","errormessage":"system.data.entitycommandexecutionexception: data reader incompatible specified 'scaasmodel.getkpimeasuredata_result'. member of type, 'paramname', not have corresponding column in data reader same name.\u000d\u000a   @ system.data.query.internaltrees.columnmapfactory.getcolumnmapsfortype(dbdatareader storedatareader, edmtype edmtype, dictionary`2 renamelist)\u000d\u000a   @ system.data.query.internaltrees.columnmapfactory.createcolumnmapfromreaderandtype(dbdatareader storedatareader, edmtype edmtype, entityset entityset, dictionary`2 renamelist)\u000d\u000a   @  


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