ios - AVAssetExportSession merge videos with stereo -

i merging multiple videos using avassetexportsession videos in stereo , resulting video in dual mono. possible use avassetexportsession merge videos , maintain stereo channels? see possible merge in stereo using avassetwriter ,

audiochannellayout stereochannellayout = {.mchannellayouttag = kaudiochannellayouttag_stereo,                 .mchannelbitmap = 0,                 .mnumberchanneldescriptions = 0             }; 

to make stereo using avmutablevideocompositionlayerinstruction avassetexportsession handle video positioning within merge ideal if there way avassetexportsession.

i found can replace avassetexportsession sdavassetexportsession. can specify audio settings avassetwriter while leveraging benefits of avassetexportsession.

i had change __weak typeof(self) wself = self; __weak sdavassetexportsession * wself = self; on line 172 of sdavassetexportsession.m.


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