- Cannot open database "StarterSite" requested by login -

i working webmatrix web pages , sql server 2008. going great, , installed windows 8. re installed webmatrix (sql, iis installed it) via web platform installer. not able use of databases, have checked in webmatrix database workspace, , database isn't loading, error is

"cannot open database "startersite" requested login. login failed user 'sa'".

what tried: have googled alot this, tried told. tried repair webmatrix control panel, reinstalled sql server 2008. in webmatrix site workspace, there error .net framework 2.0 not installed! tried install it. still same issue being provided everywhere.

i have replaced files had while using windows 7. in place belong. issue still there.

why here: here, because have tried google , have tried post own question on everytime did not succeed, tried here. have tried reading question posted here too. not helping me out.

my question: find connection settings website's databases. in web.config? or somewhere in microsoft sql folder?

line in error:

websecurity.initializedatabaseconnection("startersite", "userprofile", "userid", "email", autocreatetables: true); 

stack trace giving exception:

[sqlexception (0x80131904): cannot open database "startersite" requested login. login failed. 

login failed user 'sa'.]

the issue files of sql server. not installed , login not successfull in windows 8 sql server sp2 doesnot work in windows 8. told install sql server sp3 compatible windows 8.

i have tried post question on iis forums, never got time ask whether sql server sp2 going passage windows 8 or not. hoping best! :)


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