c - Is it possible to port GNU grep as a library? -
i know if possible port gnu grep libary, leaving aside legal complications, if any, purely non-commercial, academic use. have seen many ports exist of gnu grep. example : gnu grep win 32 here.
i wonder why nobody has ever attempted port grep library ? huge benefit applications exploit string searching/mining can use power of gnu grep internally in applications. attempt feat, since new string searching/mining, love know obvious challenges may arise , why has not been done yet.
edit - advantage of gnu grep library string searching faster, using own modified version of boyer-moore. when using regular expression wrapper library such pcre or boost reg exp or qt reg expressions etc, the application has read file line-by-line , parse each line against regexp. obvious advantage see.
yes. link library , call main() intended arguments. or better if rename main() better, f.e. grep().
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