c++ - LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library -

when try build sources linking libeay32.lib. have built locally openssl sources. encountered above warning "link : warning lnk4098: defaultlib 'msvcrt' conflicts use of other libs; use /nodefaultlib:library". when debug exe, whenever there system call (like read()), exe crashes. after search, find thing related 'runtime library' mt , md. can't fix building openssl sources due reasons. of now, did kept entry "msvcrt.lib" @ ignore specific library have several other libraries. don't want to. there other optimal solution.

if understand right mixing release version of openssl debug version of program causes different crt versions used, since haven't posted actual settings may worse openssl using dll crt while code static. please post kind of crt program using (can found clicking properties on project , configuration properties -> c/c++ -> code generation -> runtime libarary). either use proper openssl version (e.g. build debug info , linked debug crt) or, since stating cannot recompile openssl, compile code multi-threaded dll in release without optimizations program can debugged , uses same crt openssl. should solve guess.


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