java - methods invoking, code understanding -

i have question in understanding 1 of codes. appreciate if can me understanding it.

here question in google books

what happens if declaration of c:

 class c {  void process1(char ch) {        system.out.println ("inside process1 in c " + ch);     }  void process2(char ch) {    system.out.println ("inside process2 in c " + ch);     }  void process3(char ch) {    system.out.println ("inside process3 in c " + ch);    process2(ch);  }                                              } 

is followed following declaration of extension:

class extc extends c {   void processl(int n) {      system.out.println ("inside process1 in extc " + n);    } void process2(char ch) {      system.out.println ("inside process2 in extc " + ch);   } void process4(int n) {      system.out.println ("inside process4 in extc " + n);    } } 

which methods invoked if declaration of 3 objects

 extc object1 = new extc( );   c object2 = new extc( ), object3 = new extc( ); 

is followed these statements:

 object1.process1(1000);  object1.process4(2000);  object2.process1(3000);  object2.process4(4000);  object3.process1(‘p');  object3.process2('q');  object3.process3('r'); 

question number 3.

i realized first print 1- inside process 1 in extc 1000 print 2- inside process 4 in extc 2000

but then? happen in object2 , object 3 ? should @ extend or class c?

you know when invoking method, compile time there check method in class denoted refference type , in run time creates instance of class denoted object type , check method there. here 3 objects of extc class.extc class have 5 instance methods.process1(char ch) ,process2(char ch) ,process3(char ch) ,process1(int n) ,process4(int n): 3 super class c.the process2(char ch) has got overriden here.

consider object1,refference type & object type both of there can invoke 5 methods. consider object2,there can invoke methods ,included in both classes i.e.2 classes denoted refference type,'c' & object type ,'extc'.so method process1(int n) & process4(int n) can't invoked. consider object3,there can invoke methods included both in object class(denoted refferece) & extc class .so non of 5 can't invoked. try answers again yourself.


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