php - PDO dynamic queries with prepared statement -
i have pdo class wrapper:
class db { private $dbh; private $stmt; private $querycounter = 0; public function __construct($user, $pass, $dbname) { $dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=' . $dbname; $options = array( pdo::mysql_attr_init_command => 'set names utf8', pdo::attr_persistent => true ); try { $this->dbh = new pdo($dsn, $user, $pass, $options); } catch (pdoexception $e) { echo $e->getmessage(); die(); } } public function query($query) { $this->stmt = $this->dbh->prepare($query); return $this; } public function bind($pos, $value, $type = null) { if( is_null($type) ) { switch( true ) { case is_int($value): $type = pdo::param_int; break; case is_bool($value): $type = pdo::param_bool; break; case is_null($value): $type = pdo::param_null; break; default: $type = pdo::param_str; } } $this->stmt->bindvalue($pos, $value, $type); return $this; } public function execute($vars = array()) { $this->querycounter++; if (isset($vars) && count($vars)) { foreach ($vars $k => $v ) { $this->bind(($k+1), $v); } } return $this->stmt->execute(); } public function resultset($vars = array()) { $this->execute($vars); return $this->stmt->fetchall(pdo::fetch_assoc); } public function single($vars = array()) { $this->execute($vars); return $this->stmt->fetch(); } }
my dynamic query here:
$per_page = ($filter["show_by"] >= 25 && $filter["show_by"] <= 100) ? intval($filter["show_by"]) : 25; $start = intval($filter["page_id"]) ? ($filter["page_id"] -1)*$per_page : 0; $sql_counter = 'select count(*) count `products` 1=1'; $sql_result = 'select * `products` 1=1'; $data = []; if (isset($filter["mode"]) != 'extra') { $sql_counter .= ' , `status` = :status'; $sql_result .= ' , `status` = :status'; $data[":status"] = 1; } if (intval($filter["category_id"])) { $sql_counter .= ' , find_in_set(:category_id, `cid`)'; $sql_result .= ' , find_in_set(:category_id, `cid`)'; $data[":category_id"] = $filter["category_id"]; } if (strlen($filter["search_by"]) > 0) { $search = '%'.filter_var($filter["search_by"], filter_sanitize_string).'%'; $sql_counter .= ' , `name` :search'; $sql_result .= ' , `name` :search'; $data[":search"] = $search; } /*print_r($sql_counter); print_r($data); die(); */ $count = $this->db->query($sql_counter)->single($data)[0];
but returns me error:
pdostatement::execute(): sqlstate[hy093]: invalid parameter number: number of bound variables not match number of tokens
my debug info below:
select count(*) count `products` 1=1 , `status` = :status , find_in_set(:category_id, `cid`) , `name` :search array ( [:status] => 1 [:category_id] => 7 [:search] => %123% )
question: bug? thanks!
unfortunately, questions "please watch code , tell me bug" sure offtopic on site.
the answer possible tell how debug query , how localize problem.
look, have query , parameters.
try run raw pdo. work?
if not - try take out conditions (along corresponding parameters) 1 one. on 1 stopped? can reproduce problem one?
try narrow problem down as possible. that's way anyway.
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