javascript - why webgrid always pass default -

i make editable webgrid, when pass value webgrid, allways give default value checkbox. when value in database "true", after edited checkbox false, value pass "true" seams value in database. can 1 me

this view

<div>     @{         var grid = new webgrid(model.datadirilist, rowsperpage: 15, canpage: true, cansort: true, ajaxupdatecontainerid: "gridcontent");         @grid.gethtml(                            tablestyle: "row",                   alternatingrowstyle: "alt",                   columns: grid.columns(                   grid.column("id", format: @<text>  <span  class="display-mode"> </span> <label id="userid" class="edit-mode"></label> </text>, style: "col1width" ),                   grid.column("nama", "nama", format: @<text>  <span  class="display-mode"> <label id="lblnama"  >@item.nama</label> </span> <input type="text" id="nama" value="@item.nama" class="edit-mode" /></text>, style: "col2width"),                   grid.column("umur", "umur", format: @<text>  <span  class="display-mode"> <label id="lblumur"  >@item.umur</label> </span> <input type="text" id="umur" value="@item.umur" class="edit-mode" /></text>, style: "col2width"),                   grid.column(header: "active", format:@<text> <span  class="display-mode"> @html.raw("<input type=\"checkbox\" " + (( == true) ? "checked='cheked'" : "") + "disabled = 'disabled'/>") </span> <input id="chkactive" type="checkbox" @( ? " checked=checked" : null) name="closeselling" value="" class="edit-mode" /></text>, style: "col2width"),                   grid.column("action", format: @<text>                                 <button class="edit-user display-mode" >edit</button>                                 <button class="save-user edit-mode"  >save</button>                                 <button class="cancel-user edit-mode" >cancel</button>                             </text>,  style: "col3width" , cansort: false)                  ));     } </div>  @section scripts     {     <script type="text/javascript">          $(document).ready(function () {             $('.edit-mode').hide();             $('.edit-user, .cancel-user').on('click', function () {                 var tr = $(this).parents('tr:first');                 tr.find('.edit-mode, .display-mode').toggle();             });                $(".save-user").on("click", function () {                 var tr = $(this).parent().parent();                 var t = tr.find("#nama").val();                 var umur = tr.find('#umur').val();                 var id = tr.find('#userid').html();                 var chkactive = tr.find('#chkactive').val();                  $.ajax({                     url: '@url.action("updateuser", "home")',                 type: "post",                 data: { customernameid: t, userid: id, umur: umur,active: chkactive},                 datatype: 'json',                 success: function (result) {                     $("#mygrid").html('');                     $("#mygrid").html(result);                 }                 });                  tr.find("#lblnama").text(t);                 tr.find("#lblumur").text(umur);                 tr.find('.edit-mode, .display-mode').toggle();         });      }); </script>     } 

my controller

public jsonresult updateuser(string customernameid, string userid, string umur, bool active)         {             var id = convert.toint32(userid);             var intumur = convert.toint32(umur);             var dd = db.datadiris.asqueryable().where(r => == id).single();    = id;             dd.nama = customernameid;             dd.umur = intumur;              db.entry(dd).state = entitystate.modified;             db.savechanges();             string message = "success";             return json(message, jsonrequestbehavior.allowget);         } 


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