vba - Comparing Two Datas in 2 columns -

i taking first course vba excel. new in vba perharps, help, gain knowledge in doing best in vba programming. need compare 2 columns. need same data , highlight happens, same data on same row ones highlighted. data in different row ignored. me please.

here code code:

sub compare() dim col1 range dim col2 range      set col1 = application.inputbox("select first column compare", type:=8)       if col1.columns.count > 1        until col1.columns.count = 1          msgbox "you can select 1 column"         set col1 = application.inputbox("select first column compare", type:=8)        loop      end if       set col2 = application.inputbox("select second column compare", type:=8)       if col2.columns.count > 1        until col2.columns.count = 1          msgbox "you can select 1 column"         set col2 = application.inputbox("select second column compare", type:=8)        loop      end if     if col2.rows.count <> col1.rows.count      until col2.rows.count = col1.rows.count        msgbox "the second column must same size first"       set col2 = application.inputbox("select second column compare", type:=8)      loop    end if     if col1.rows.count = 65536       set col1 = range(col1.cells(1), col1.cells(activesheet.usedrange.rows.count))     set col2 = range(col2.cells(1), col2.cells(activesheet.usedrange.rows.count))     end if      dim intcell long     intcell = 1 col1.rows.count       if col1.cells(intcell) = col2.cells(intcell)        col1.cells(intcell).interior.color = vbyellow       col2.cells(intcell).interior.color = vbyellow      end if   next  end sub 


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