Select a distinct row based on the max value of another column SQL Server 2008 R2 -

i have query pulls in information other tables created in query. final output final select statement looks this:

visit_id | mrn | days score | ip score | er score | cc score | total 123456   | 123 | 3          | 3        | 2        | 0        |   8 123456   | 123 | 3          | 3        | 2        | 2        |   10 123456   | 123 | 3          | 3        | 2        | 4        |   12 ... 

what row max(total), in case row total = 12

i have looked @ post cannot seem right. have looked here.

here query producing results:

-- @lace_mstr table declaration ###################################// declare @lace_mstr table( mrn varchar(200) , visit_id varchar(200) , [lace days score] int , [lace acute ip score] int , [lace er score] int , [lace comorbid score] int ) --###################################################################// insert @lace_mstr select q1.mrn , q1.encounter_id , q1.[lace days score] , q1.[acute admit score] , case     when q1.visit_count null 0     when q1.visit_count = 1 1     when q1.visit_count = 2 2     when q1.visit_count = 3 3     when q1.visit_count >= 4 4     else 0   end [lace er score] , q1.[cc lace score]      (     select     distinct t1.encounter_id     , t1.mrn     , t1.[lace days score]     , t1.[acute admit score]     , cnt.visit_count     , cm.[cc lace score]      @t1 t1     left outer join @cnt cnt     on t1.mrn = cnt.mrn     join @cm cm     on cm.[mrn cm] = t1.[mrn]     ) q1  select distinct visit_id , mrn , [lace days score] , [lace acute ip score] , [lace er score] , [lace comorbid score] , [lace days score]+[lace acute ip score]+[lace er score]+[lace comorbid score] [total lace]  @lace_mstr tried did not right therefore not work --inner join --  ( --  select visit_id --  , max([lace days score]+[lace acute ip score]+[lace er score]+[lace comorbid score]) [total lace] --  @lace_mstr --  group visit_id --  ) groupedlace_mstr on @lace_mstr.visit_id=groupedlace_mstr.visit_id --  , @lace_mstr.[total lace score] = grouped@lace_mstr.[total lace]  group visit_id , mrn , [lace days score] , [lace acute ip score] , [lace er score] , [lace comorbid score] 

please let me know if there need clarification.

thank you,

assuming grouping should based on visit_id , mrn:

;with x  (   select visit_id, mrn, ... etc ...,      rn = row_number() on (partition visit_id, mrn        order [lace days score] + [lace acute ip score]         + [lace er score] + [lace comorbid score] desc)   @lace_mstr ) select visit_id, mrn, ... etc ...  x rn = 1; 


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