Why Spring REST do not analyze "get","post" methods with same url -

i using spring rest , have 2 methods

@requestmapping(value="/",method = requestmethod.post)     public @responsebody     object test1(httpservletrequest request) {}  @requestmapping(value="/",method = requestmethod.get)     public @responsebody     object test2(httpservletrequest request) {} 

but not able detect 2 methods. necessary url should different each http method in spring.

spring can support , post same url. i've done many times. example (this post , put, it's same difference):

@controller @requestmapping(value="player") public class playercontroller {      @autowired     private playerservice playerservice;      @requestmapping(method = requestmethod.post)     @responsebody     public player createnewplayer(@requestbody player player) {         return playerservice.createnewplayer(player);     }      @requestmapping(method = requestmethod.put)     @responsebody     public player updateplayer(@requestbody player player) {         return playerservice.updateplayer(player);     } } 

if can post error message you're getting, maybe can figure out what's wrong.


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