c# - Copy Enhanced Metafile from clipboard and save it as an image -

i using follwing c# code copy image clipboard.

if (clipboard.containsdata(system.windows.dataformats.enhancedmetafile)) {     /* taken http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/windowsdesktop/en-us/a5cebe0d-eee4-4a91-88e4-88eca9974a5c/excel-copypicture-and-asve-to-enhanced-metafile*/      var img = (system.windows.interop.interopbitmap)clipboard.getimage();     var bit = clipboard.getimage();     var enc = new system.windows.media.imaging.jpegbitmapencoder();      var stream = new filestream(filename + ".bmp", filemode.create);      enc.frames.add(bitmapframe.create(bit));     enc.save(stream); } 

i took snippet here. control go in if condition. clipboard.getimage() returns null. can please suggest going wrong in here?

i have tried following snippet

metafile metafile = clipboard.getdata(system.windows.dataformats.enhancedmetafile) metafile;  control control = new control(); graphics grfx = control.creategraphics(); memorystream ms = new memorystream(); intptr iphdc = grfx.gethdc();  grfx.releasehdc(iphdc); grfx.dispose(); grfx = graphics.fromimage(metafile); grfx.dispose(); 

this doesn't work.

you can use user32.dll via p/invoke below:

public const uint cf_metafilepict = 3; public const uint cf_enhmetafile = 14;  [dllimport("user32.dll", charset = charset.auto, exactspelling = true)] public static extern bool openclipboard(intptr hwndnewowner);  [dllimport("user32.dll", charset = charset.auto, exactspelling = true)] public static extern bool closeclipboard();  [dllimport("user32.dll", charset = charset.auto, exactspelling = true)] public static extern intptr getclipboarddata(uint format);  [dllimport("user32.dll", charset = charset.auto, exactspelling = true)] public static extern bool isclipboardformatavailable(uint format); 

now, can read metafile:

metafile emf = null; if (openclipboard(intptr.zero)) {     if (isclipboardformatavailable(cf_enhmetafile))     {         var ptr = getclipboarddata(cf_enhmetafile);         if (!ptr.equals(intptr.zero))             emf = new metafile(ptr, true);     }      // must close ir, or locked     closeclipboard(); } 

my original requirement involves more handling of metafile, create memorystream:

using (var graphics = graphics.fromimage(new bitmap(1,1,pixelformat.format32bppargb))) {     var hdc = graphics.gethdc();     using (var original = new memorystream())     {         using (var dummy = graphics.fromimage(new metafile(original, hdc)))         {             dummy.drawimage(emf, 0, 0, emf.width, emf.height);             dummy.flush();         }         graphics.releasehdc(hdc);          // more stuff     } } 


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