How to get Volume Serial Number using Visual Basic 2010? -

i'm trying volume serial number using visual basic 2010,

is there whole code example shows me how this?


i guess simplest answer question given by:

hans passant: link,

i copied , pasted function , works microsoft visual basic 2010 express, without modifications

public function getdriveserialnumber() string     dim driveserial long     dim fso object, drv object     'create filesystemobject object     fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")     drv = fso.getdrive(fso.getdrivename(appdomain.currentdomain.basedirectory))     drv         if .isready             driveserial = .serialnumber         else    '"drive not ready!"             driveserial = -1         end if     end     'clean     drv = nothing     fso = nothing     getdriveserialnumber = hex(driveserial) end function 

i thank help,

and apologize repeating question, did google search , stackflow search, search was" "get hard drive serial number in visual basic 2010"

so website did not show up,

thanks again


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