html - Image not taking up full width set on parent div -

see fiddle

as can see in fiddle there empty space on left side of image. have set image 100% width not taking space. can check hover on it.

enter image description here


<ul class="ulteamlist">     <li class="teamlist">         <img src="">             <div class="overlay"></div>         <p>vikas ghodke</p>         <p class="tposition">lead developer</p>     </li> </ul> 


ul.ulteamlist {     margin: 0;     list-style: none; } li.teamlist {     background: #fff;     box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px -1px #ccc;     float: left;     padding:0;     display: block;     width:40%;     margin-bottom: 3%;     margin-right: 3%;     transition: 0.5s;     position: relative; } li.teamlist:hover {     background:#0dbca1; } li.teamlist:hover p {     color:#fff; } .overlay {     width: 100%;     height: 210px;     background: #fff;     position: absolute;     top: 0;     opacity: 0;     transition: 0.5s; } li.teamlist:hover .overlay {     opacity: 0.3; } li.teamlist:nth-child(4n+4) {     margin-right: 0; } .no-js li.teamlist {     display: block; } li.teamlist img {     width: 100%;     height: 210px;     margin:0; } .teamlist p {     padding: 10px;     color: #5b5b5b;     font-weight: 400;     font-size: 14px;     padding-left: 15px; } p.tposition {     font-weight: 300;     margin-top: -27px;     font-size: 11px;     margin-bottom: 0;     color: #9d9c9c;     text-transform: uppercase; } 

extending comments (both mine , op's):

it's not "gap", per say; it's transparent pixel in left of original image:


you can see in this fiddle:

<img src="" /> 
body {     background-color:yellow; } img {     outline:1px solid black; } 

with placeholder picture set seems fine:



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