c# - Error :MultiThreaded client-server application -

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i developing multithreaded client-server application in vb.net, multiple client connect 1 server,there process in server side open xml file , write data. after 1 hrs got following error:

"file used proccess."

is there suggestion side,for above issue. please check below code reading xml

public function isrecordexitsinxml(byval pfilepath string, byval pclientip string, byval pmacaddress string)     dim xmldoc xmldocument = nothing     dim xmlpupilnode xmlnode = nothing     dim xmlagenode xmlnode = nothing     try          dim filename string = pfilepath         isrecordexitsinxml = nothing          xmldoc = new xmldocument         xmldoc.load(filename)         xmlpupilnode = xmldoc.selectsinglenode("//rfidreader[hostipaddress = '" & pclientip.trim & "' , macaddress = '" & pmacaddress & "' , status=1]  ")          if not xmlpupilnode nothing             xmlagenode = xmlpupilnode.selectsinglenode("regdatetime")             if not xmlagenode nothing                 xmlagenode.innertext = datetime.now.tostring()                 xmldoc.save(filename)                 isrecordexitsinxml = true             end if         else             isrecordexitsinxml = false         end if         xmldoc = nothing         xmlpupilnode = nothing         xmlagenode = nothing     catch ex exception         xmldoc = nothing         xmlpupilnode = nothing         xmlagenode = nothing         isrecordexitsinxml = false         errorlog.writetoerrorlog(ex.message.tostring(), "hsrv-a9", "errorlog.log")             xmldoc = nothing         xmlpupilnode = nothing         xmlagenode = nothing     end try     return isrecordexitsinxml end function 

thanks in advance

your problem (as i'm sure aware!) when file open 1 process, cannot opened another. there possibility of using alternative medium receive data, such database? export data database xml file in 1 hit, avoiding conflict altogether.


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