How to remove a character in a variable of string type in R -

hi dear have variable of type in r:

v1 car10100231095000c  car10100231189000  car10100231191000c  car10100231192000  car10100231194000c  car101002311950002  car101002311960001  

my problem rows have c last element of observation. trying use nchar() function have others rows have same length example car10100231191000cand car101002311960001. problem how remove c raws character , new variable of form:

v1 car10100231095000  car10100231189000  car10100231191000  car10100231192000  car10100231194000  car101002311950002  car101002311960001  

where cs removed rows have , rest of rows have original form. thanks

you can use sub this:

sub('c$', '', v1) 

which removes letter c last position in string if exists.


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