JavaBinder-Failed Binder Transaction in Android..? -

i showing image thumbnail in gridview sdcard , when click on image want start new activity , show image in fullscreen. facing problem activity not getting started ? posting code , logcat hope can in advance..

getfromsdcard(parent, child);     (int = 0; < f.size(); i++) {         cursor desc = sql.fetchcatimagedesc(f.get(i).substring(                 f.get(i).lastindexof("/") + 1));         while (desc.movetonext()) {             itemname = desc.getstring(desc                     .getcolumnindexorthrow(image_sql.item_name));         }         image.add(new image(bit.get(i), itemname));     }     adapter = new myadapter(this.getactivity(), image);     gv.setadapter(adapter); gv.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener() {          @override         public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> arg0, view arg1, int arg2,                 long arg3) {             // todo auto-generated method stub             cursor desc = sql.fetchcatimagedesc(compare.get(arg2));             while (desc.movetonext()) {                 description = desc.getstring(desc                         .getcolumnindexorthrow(image_sql.image_description));             }              intent intent= new intent(getactivity(),fullimageactivity.class);             bitmap bitmap = bit.get(arg2);             intent.putextra("image", bitmap);             bundle bundle = new bundle();             bundle.putstring("title", compare.get(arg2));             bundle.putstring("desc", description);             bundle.putstring("cat", parent);             bundle.putstring("subcat", child);             intent.putextras(bundle);             startactivity(intent);          }     });  }   public void getfromsdcard(string parent, string child) {     file file;      try {         file[] listfile;         if (!child.equals("")) {             file = new file(                     android.os.environment.getexternalstoragedirectory(),                     "ldapps/admin/" + parent + "/" + child + "/.nomedia");         } else {             file = new file(                     android.os.environment.getexternalstoragedirectory(),                     "ldapps/admin/" + parent + "/.nomedia");         }         bitmap bitmap;         cursor image = sql.fetchcategorysubimage(parent, child);         while (image.movetonext()) {              string name = image.getstring(image                     .getcolumnindexorthrow(image_sql.image_name));             compare.add(name);          }          if (file.isdirectory()) {             listfile = file.listfiles();              (int = 0; < listfile.length; i++) {                  (int j = 0; j < compare.size(); j++) {                      if (compare                             .get(j)                             .tostring()                             .equals(listfile[i].getabsolutepath()                                     .substring(                                             listfile[i].getabsolutepath()                                                     .lastindexof("/") + 1))) {                          f.add(listfile[i].getabsolutepath());                         bitmap = convertbitmap(listfile[i]                                 .getabsolutepath());                          bit.add(bitmap);                      }                  }              }         }     } catch (exception e) {         dialog d = new dialog(getactivity());         textview tv = new textview(getactivity());         tv.settext(e.tostring());         d.settitle(e.tostring());         d.setcontentview(tv);;     } } 

and logcat this....

09-04 06:04:37.843: e/javabinder(2833): !!! failed binder transaction !!! 


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