python - Subscribe and unsubscribe to channels after the connection has been made with txredisapi -

working python, twisted, redis , txredisapi.

how can subscriberprotocol subscribe , unsubscribe channels after connection has been made?

i guess need instance of subscriberprotocol , can use "subscribe" , "unsubscribe" methods don't know how it.

code example:

import txredisapi redis  class redislistenerprotocol(redis.subscriberprotocol):     def connectionmade(self):         self.subscribe("channelname")     def messagereceived(self, pattern, channel, message):         print "pattern=%s, channel=%s message=%s" %(pattern, channel, message)     def connectionlost(self, reason):         print "lost connection:", reason  class redislistenerfactory(redis.subscriberfactory):     maxdelay = 120     continuetrying = true     protocol = redislistenerprotocol 

then outside of these classes:

# need sub/unsub here! (not inside de protocol) protocolinstance = redislistenerprotocol  # here problem protocolinstance.subscribe("newchannelname") protocolinstance.unsubscribe("channelname") 

any suggestion?


the next code solves problem:

@defer.inlinecallbacks def subunsub():     deferred = yield clientcreator(reactor, redislistenerprotocol).connecttcp(host, port)     deferred.subscribe("newchannelname")     deferred.unsubscribe("channelname") 

explanation: use "clientcreator" instance of subscriberprotocol inside function flag "@defer.inlinecallbacks" , don't forget "yield" keyword wait complete deferred data. can use deferred suscribe , unsubscribe.

in case forgot yield keyword, deferred wasn't complete , method suscribe , unsubscribe didn't work.

connecting = clientcreator(reactor, redislistenerprotocol).connecttcp(host, port) def connected(listener):     listener.subscribe("newchannelname")     listener.unsubscribe("channelname") connecting.addcallback(connected) 


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