matlab - Initializing an array of subclass objects creates a heterogeneous superclass array -

in matlab, have 2 classes

classdef < matlab.mixin.heterogeneous     properties         a;     end     methods         function obj = a(varargin)            obj.a = 3;         end     end end 


classdef b <     properties         b;     end     methods         function obj = b(varargin)             obj = obj@a(varargin);             obj.b = 4;         end     end end 

i try initialize array of length 2 of type b:

>> objarray(2) = b  objarray =     1x2 heterogeneous (a, b)    properties:        methods, superclasses 

why matlab insist on making of class ? , how can insist of class b instead?

edit: using debugger apparent matlab never enters constructor b when creating objarray(1)

i've never tried myself, believe matlab.mixin.heterogeneous has method getdefaultscalarelement can implement/override yourself, define how backfill initial elements of array when assign later element. see halfway down this documentation page more information.


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