active directory - PowerShell Clear-ADAccountExpiration not performing in the same way as the manual method -

i have issue when using powershell clear-adaccountexpiration reset account expiration date never in active directory.

here's account going expire:

get-aduser osbor_ri -properties * | select accountexpirationdate,accountexpires | fl  accountexpirationdate : 31/12/2013 17:00:00 accountexpires        : 130330692000000000 

as can see expire on 31/12/2013 17:00:00. want clear expiration , set never expire; use following cmdlet:

clear-adaccountexpiration osbor_ri  

this clears accountexpirationdate varible in ad doesn't clear accountexpires 0 instead it's set 9223372036854775807 each time.

get-aduser osbor_ri -properties * | select accountexpirationdate,accountexpires | fl  accountexpirationdate :  accountexpires        : 9223372036854775807 

but when use manual method in ad set account never expire accountexpires varible set 0.

enter image description here

get-aduser osbor_ri -properties * | select accountexpirationdate,accountexpires | fl  accountexpirationdate :  accountexpires        : 0 

why powershell clear-adaccountexpiration not clear down accountexpires varible 0 in same way manual method when setting account never expire?

also leaving accountexpires = 9223372036854775807 mean account still expire point?

the date when account expires. value represents number of 100-nanosecond intervals since january 1, 1601 (utc). value of 0 or 0x7fffffffffffffff (9223372036854775807) indicates account never expires.


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