jquery - cakephp 2x + ajax pagination + prototype js -
i want create add/edit/delete , active/deactive (with ajax) in listing page. here have uploaded demo http://mehul.pw/cp/categories/index right pagination working fine. when change status , use pagination not working. trying solve 3hr here have mentioned below code
controller code below:
public $helpers = array('js' => array('prototype')); public $components = array(); public function beforefilter() { parent::beforefilter(); } public $paginate = array( 'limit' => 1, 'order' => array( 'category.category_id' => 'asc' ) ); public function index() { $data = $this->paginate('category'); $this->set('categories',$data); } public function update($field,$value,$id = null,$pageno,$sortkey,$sortdir) { if (!$id) { $this->session->setflash(__('invalid id event', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); } $this->category->id = $id; $this->request->data['category'][$field] = $value; if($this->category->save($this->request->data)) { $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index', 'page' => $pageno, 'sort' => $sortkey, 'direction' => $sortdir)); }else{ $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index', 'page' => $pageno, 'sort' => $sortkey, 'direction' => $sortdir)); } } }
now in index file active/deactive link have used this
<?php if($post['category']['is_active'] == 'y'){ echo $this->js->link( 'active', array('action' => 'update','is_active','n', $post['category']['category_id'],$this->paginator->current(),$this->paginator->sortkey(),$this->paginator->sortdir()), array('async' => false,'update' => 'content')); }else{ echo $this->js->link( 'deactive', array('action' => 'update','is_active','y', $post['category']['category_id'],$this->paginator->current(),$this->paginator->sortkey(),$this->paginator->sortdir()), array('async' => false,'update' => 'content')); } ?>
can tell me how can solve issue ? in advance.
here have tried use ajax helper dame issue here belo mentioned fill view code
<?php // pr($this->paginator->options); $this->paginator->options(array( 'update' => '#content', 'evalscripts' => true, 'before' => $this->js->get('#busy-indicator')->effect('fadein', array('buffer' => false)), 'complete' => $this->js->get('#busy-indicator')->effect('fadeout', array('buffer' => false)), )); ?> <h1>categories list</h1> <?php //echo $this->html->link('add post',array('controller' => 'categories', 'action' => 'add')); ?> <?php echo $this->html->link('add category',array('controller'=>'categories','action'=>'add'),array("escape" => false,'class'=>'stdbtn btn_orange', "title" => "add category", "onclick" => "modalbox.show(this.href, {title: this.title, width: 700}); return false;")); ?> <table> <?php //echo $this->html->tableheaders(array('date','title','active'),array('class' => 'status'),array('class' => 'product_table'));?> <tr> <th><?php echo $this->paginator->sort('category_id', '<em>category id</em>', array('escape' => false)); ?></th> <th><?php echo $this->paginator->sort('category_name', '<em>name</em>', array('escape' => false)); ?></th> <th>description</th> <th>status</th> <th>action</th> </tr> <!-- here loop through our $posts array, printing out post info --> <?php foreach ($categories $post): ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $post['category']['category_id']; ?></td> <td> <?php echo $this->html->link($post['category']['category_name'],array('controller' => 'categories', 'action' => 'view', $post['category']['category_id'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $post['category']['description']; ?></td> <td> <?php if($post['category']['is_active'] == 'y'){ echo $this->js->link( 'active', array('action' => 'update','is_active','n', $post['category']['category_id'],$this->paginator->current(),$this->paginator->sortkey(),$this->paginator->sortdir()), array('async' => false,'update' => 'content')); }else{ echo $this->js->link( 'deactive', array('action' => 'update','is_active','y', $post['category']['category_id'],$this->paginator->current(),$this->paginator->sortkey(),$this->paginator->sortdir()), array('async' => false,'update' => 'content')); } ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $this->form->postlink( 'delete', array('action' => 'delete', $post['category']['category_id']), array('confirm' => 'are sure?')); ?> <?php echo $this->html->link('edit', array('action' => 'edit', $post['category']['category_id'])); ?> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> <tr> <td colspan="4" align="right"> <?php echo $this->paginator->first('< first '); echo $this->paginator->prev(' << ' . __('previous '), array(), null, array('class' => 'prev disabled')); echo $this->paginator->numbers(); echo $this->paginator->next( __(' next').' >> ' , array(), null, array('class' => 'next disabled')); echo $this->paginator->last(' last > '); //echo $this->paginator->counter('page {:page} of {:pages}, showing {:current} records out of{:count} total, starting on record {:start}, ending on {:end}'); ?> <?php echo $this->html->image('indicator.gif', array('id' => 'busy-indicator')); ?> </td> </tr> <?php unset($post); ?> </table> <?php echo $this->js->writebuffer(); ?>
===================== layout code ==============
<?php /** * * php 5 * * cakephp(tm) : rapid development framework (http://cakephp.org) * copyright (c) cake software foundation, inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * * licensed under mit license * full copyright , license information, please see license.txt * redistributions of files must retain above copyright notice. * * @copyright copyright (c) cake software foundation, inc. (http://cakefoundation.org) * @link http://cakephp.org cakephp(tm) project * @package app.view.layouts * @since cakephp(tm) v * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php mit license */ $cakedescription = __d('cake_dev', 'cakephp: rapid development php framework'); ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <?php echo $this->html->charset(); ?> <title> <?php echo $cakedescription ?>: <?php echo $title_for_layout; ?> </title> <?php echo $this->html->meta('icon'); echo $this->html->css('cake.generic'); echo $this->fetch('meta'); echo $this->fetch('css'); echo $this->fetch('script'); ?> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/scriptaculous/1.9.0/scriptaculous.js?load=effects" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <?php echo $this->html->script('modalbox.js'); echo $this->html->css('modalbox.css'); ?> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <h1><?php echo $this->html->link($cakedescription, 'http://cakephp.org'); ?></h1> </div> <div id="content"> <?php echo $this->session->flash(); ?> <?php echo $this->fetch('content'); ?> <?php echo $this->js->writebuffer(); ?> </div> <div id="footer"> <?php echo $this->html->link( $this->html->image('cake.power.gif', array('alt' => $cakedescription, 'border' => '0')), 'http://www.cakephp.org/', array('target' => '_blank', 'escape' => false) ); ?> </div> </div> <?php echo $this->element('sql_dump'); ?> </body> </html>
add <?php echo $this->js->writebuffer(); ?>
before closing <div id='content'>
i think pagination links aren't updating here once if fire ajax call content updating pagination links , related script pagination links aren't updating here,
$("link-907864750").observe("click", function (event) {event.stop(); var jsrequest = new ajax.updater("content", "/cp/categories/index/sort:category_name/direction:asc", {evalscripts:true, oncomplete:function (transport) {$("busy-indicator").fade({buffer:false});}, oncreate:function (transport) {$("busy-indicator").appear({buffer:false});}});});
link having @ first time later when click on 'deactive' or 'active' isn't updating script/ not generating script pagination links there.
note: $("#link-907864750")
example here, cake generate random ids pagination links.
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