(SOLVED) Using Regex in Java based on working php code -

i've been using in php...

preg_match_all('|<a href="http://www.mysite.com/photoid/(.*?)"><img src="(.*?)" alt="(.*?)" /></a>|is',$xx, $matches, preg_set_order);

where $xx entire webpage content string, find occurrences of matches.

this sets $matches 2 dimensional array can loop through statement based on length of $matches , use example ..

$matches[$i][1] first (.*?)

$matches[$i][2] second (.*?)

and on....

my question how can replicated in java? i've been reading tutorials , blogs on java regex , have been using pattern , matcher can't seem figure out. also, matcher never finds anything. while(matcher.find()) have been futile , throws error saying no matches have been found yet

this java code pattern matched ...

string pattern = new string( "<a href=\"http://www.mysite.com/photoid/(w+)\"><img src=\"(w+)\" alt=\"(w+)\" /></a>");

i've tried ..

string pattern = new string( "<a href=\"http://www.mysite.com/photoid/(.*?)\"><img src=\"(.*?)\" alt=\"(.*?)\" /></a>");


string pattern = new string( "<a href=\"http://www.mysite.com/photoid/(\\w+)\"><img src=\"(\\w+)\" alt=\"(\\w+)\" /></a>");

no matches ever found.

any appreciated.


i doing wrong things inside while(matcher.find()) loop.

this question can closed.

the regex posted worked me perhaps fault in how use :

string test = "<html>\n<a href=\"http://www.mysite.com/photoid/potato.html\"><img src=\"quack-quack\" alt=\"hi\" /></a>\n</html>"; // pattern code posted : string pattern = new string(     "<a href=\"http://www.mysite.com/photoid/(.*?)\"><img src=\"(.*?)\" alt=\"(.*?)\" /></a>");  pattern p = pattern.compile(pattern); matcher m = p.matcher(test); m.find(); // returns true 

see java tutorial on how should used.


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