sql server 2008 - Want to get selected value -

declare @qry varchar(max) declare @db varchar(25) declare @item varchar(25) declare @u_parentcode varchar(25)   set @u_parentcode ='cdm51306520' set @db ='marda_test' set @qry ='select @item =itemcode ' + @db + '.[dbo].[oitm]  itemcode=''' + @u_parentcode +'''' execute (@qry) print @item 

am getting error 'must declare scalar variable "@item".'

the dynamic sql executes in different context context of code, there isn't @item variable declared on there.

you need use sp_executesql contains mechanism map variables variables within block. syntax obtuse, it's obvious when used it.

declare @qry nvarchar(max) declare @db varchar(25) declare @outsideitem varchar(25) declare @u_parentcode varchar(25)  set @u_parentcode ='cdm51306520' set @db ='marda_test' set @qry ='select @insideitem =itemcode ' + @db + '.[dbo].[oitm]  itemcode=''' + @u_parentcode +''''  execute sp_executesql @qry, n'@insideitem varchar(25) output', @insideitem = @outsideitem output print @item 

the first parameter query, same exec().
second parameter declaration of parameters used in query, in case @insideitem.
third (and subsequent) parameter mapping says inside parameter should mapped outside parameter. output clause (used both on variable declaration , on mapping) designator that parameter used output value of query.


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