c# - creating proxy using wsdl programmatically and wsdl parsing -

i working on xml web services. client web service "client" has url of wsdl of server web service "service" @ run time. in order "client" use "service" need following thing "programmatically":

1) wsdl file on fly "service" or location on disk. 2) create proxy programmatically i.e not using wsdl.exe or add web reference. 3)invoke methods on created proxy.

is possible it? if 1 has done greatful take suggestions how accomplish.

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.text; using system.reflection; using system.codedom; using system.codedom.compiler; using system.security.permissions; using system.web.services.description;  namespace connectionlib {     public class wsproxy     {         [securitypermissionattribute(securityaction.demand, unrestricted = true)]         public static object callwebservice(string webserviceasmxurl, string servicename, string methodname, object[] args)         {             system.net.webclient client = new system.net.webclient();              // connect web service             system.io.stream stream = client.openread(webserviceasmxurl + "?wsdl");              // read wsdl file describing service.             servicedescription description = servicedescription.read(stream);              ///// load dom /////////              // initialize service description importer.              servicedescriptionimporter importer = new servicedescriptionimporter();             importer.protocolname = "soap12"; // use soap 1.2.             importer.addservicedescription(description, null, null);              // generate proxy client.             importer.style = servicedescriptionimportstyle.client;              // generate properties represent primitive values.             importer.codegenerationoptions = system.xml.serialization.codegenerationoptions.generateproperties;              // initialize code-dom tree import service.             codenamespace nmspace = new codenamespace();             codecompileunit unit1 = new codecompileunit();             unit1.namespaces.add(nmspace);              // import service code-dom tree. creates proxy code uses service.             servicedescriptionimportwarnings warning = importer.import(nmspace, unit1);              if (warning == 0) // if 0 go             {                  // generate proxy code                 codedomprovider provider1 = codedomprovider.createprovider("csharp");                  // compile assembly proxy appropriate references                 string[] assemblyreferences = new string[5] { "system.dll", "system.web.services.dll", "system.web.dll", "system.xml.dll", "system.data.dll" };                  compilerparameters parms = new compilerparameters(assemblyreferences);                  compilerresults results = provider1.compileassemblyfromdom(parms, unit1);                  // check errors                 if (results.errors.count > 0)                 {                     foreach (compilererror oops in results.errors)                     {                         system.diagnostics.debug.writeline("========compiler error============");                         system.diagnostics.debug.writeline(oops.errortext);                     }                     throw new system.exception("compile error occured calling webservice. check debug ouput window.");                 }                  // finally, invoke web service method                  object wsvcclass = results.compiledassembly.createinstance(servicename);                  methodinfo mi = wsvcclass.gettype().getmethod(methodname);                  return mi.invoke(wsvcclass, args);              }              else             {                 return null;             }         }     } } 


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