iphone - Core Data related issue -

i'm downloading content server , save in sqlite database managed coredata framework. works, have occasional crash don't understand. here crash report :

thread 5 name:  dispatch queue: com.apple.root.default-priority thread 5 crashed: 0   libobjc.a.dylib                 0x38eca5b6 objc_msgsend + 22 1   coredata                        0x30fe354c getvaluecore + 24 2   coredata                        0x30fe34fa _pfcmt_getvalue + 6 3   coredata                        0x30fe346a -[nsmanagedobjectcontext(_nsinternaladditions) _retainedobjectwithid:optionalhandler:withinlinestorage:] + 34 4   coredata                        0x30fe6ece -[_nsfaultingmutableset willread] + 394 5   coredata                        0x30fe7518 -[_nsfaultingmutableset member:] + 84 6   corefoundation                  0x3119aa50 -[nsset countforobject:] + 16 7   corefoundation                  0x3123a9f4 -[nsset issubsetofset:] + 516 8   foundation                      0x31b2a902 nskeyvaluewillchangebysetmutation + 406 9   foundation                      0x31ac2c48 nskeyvaluewillchange + 404 10  foundation                      0x31b2a760 -[nsobject(nskeyvalueobservernotification) willchangevalueforkey:withsetmutation:usingobjects:] + 260 11  coredata                        0x3101e71c -[nsmanagedobject willchangevalueforkey:withsetmutation:usingobjects:] + 80 12  coredata                        0x31022f26 -[nsmanagedobject(_nsinternalmethods) _excludeobject:frompropertywithkey:andindex:] + 626 13  coredata                        0x31023df4 -[nsmanagedobject(_nsinternalmethods) _maintaininverserelationship:forproperty:olddestination:newdestination:] + 228 14  coredata                        0x31024622 -[nsmanagedobject(_nsinternalmethods) _didchangevalue:forrelationship:named:withinverse:] + 1286 15  coredata                        0x3102dc3e -[nsmanagedobjectcontext observevalueforkeypath:ofobject:change:context:] + 318 16  foundation                      0x31ac36b4 nskeyvaluenotifyobserver + 268 17  foundation                      0x31ac330e nskeyvaluedidchange + 330 18  foundation                      0x31a9d6ce -[nsobject(nskeyvalueobservernotification) didchangevalueforkey:] + 90 19  coredata                        0x3101e234 _pf_managedobject_didchangevalueforkeyindex + 100 20  coredata                        0x310287b2 _sharedimpl_setvfk_core + 222 21  instabay                        0x000bf3a0 -[adgetmemberstuffswsproxy processdata:] (adgetmemberstuffswsproxy.m:101) 22  instabay                        0x000a7328 -[ibabstractwsproxy didreceivedata:] (ibabstractwsproxy.m:437) 23  corefoundation                  0x312389c0 __invoking___ + 64 24  corefoundation                  0x3118ffe6 -[nsinvocation invoke] + 282 25  foundation                      0x31b38b60 -[nsinvocationoperation main] + 108 26  foundation                      0x31ac25bc -[__nsoperationinternal start] + 836 27  foundation                      0x31b3abde __block_global_6 + 98 28  libdispatch.dylib               0x392e711c _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 8 29  libdispatch.dylib               0x392f5254 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 256 30  libdispatch.dylib               0x392f53b4 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 80 31  libsystem_c.dylib               0x3931ba0e _pthread_wqthread + 358 32  libsystem_c.dylib               0x3931b8a0 start_wqthread + 4 

and method crash occurs :

- (id) processdata:(id)thedata {     nsmanagedobjectcontext *moc = self.backgroundmoc;      // fetch members     nsdictionary *existingmembersmap = [[ibwsutils fetchexistingmemberslistby:@"memberid"                                                        inmanagedobjectcontext:moc]                                         retain];      // fetch existing ads (we need id build our cache mapping)     nsdictionary *existingadsmap = [[ibwsutils fetchexistingadslistinmanagedobjectcontext:moc] retain];      ibmember *member = (ibmember *)[moc objectwithid:self.memberobjectid];      // purge existing results, otherwise leave , append bottom     if (! self.shouldappendresults)     {         if (member.stuffs != nil) {             [member removestuffs:member.stuffs];         } //        member.stuffs = nil;     }      // sets total number of ads     member.stuffscount = [nsnumber numberwithinteger:[thedata integerforkey:@"quantity"]];      nsarray *ads = [thedata objectforkey:@"ad"];      (nsdictionary *addict in ads)     {         if ([addict iskindofclass:[nsnull class]]) {             continue;         }  //        @autoreleasepool         {             nsstring *currentadid = [addict objectforkey:@"id"];              // existing ad copy             ibad *currentad = [existingadsmap objectforkey:currentadid];              if (!currentad)             {                 // otherwise, create new ad instance                 currentad = [nsentitydescription insertnewobjectforentityforname:@"ad"                                                           inmanagedobjectcontext:moc];                 currentad.adid = currentadid;                 currentad.creationdate = [nsdate datewithtimeintervalsince1970:[[addict nonnullvalueforkeypath:@"createdat.sec"] floatvalue]];             }              currentad.addescription = [addict objectforkey:@"description"];              // if member instance doesn't exist, create new 1             nsstring *memberid = [addict nonnullvalueforkeypath:@"seller.memberid"];             ibmember *existingmember = [existingmembersmap objectforkey:memberid];             if (!existingmember)             {                 existingmember = [nsentitydescription insertnewobjectforentityforname:@"member"                                                                inmanagedobjectcontext:moc];                  existingmember.memberid = memberid;                 existingmember.username = [addict nonnullvalueforkeypath:@"seller.membername"];             }              **// line below line 101 causes crash             currentad.member = existingmember;**              @try {                 currentad.mediauri = [[[addict objectforkey:@"media"] objectatindex:0] objectforkey:@"uri"];             }             @catch (nsexception *exception) {                 currentad.mediauri = nil;             }              ibwanted *wants = currentad.wants;             if (!wants)             {                 // otherwise, create new ad instance                 wants = [nsentitydescription insertnewobjectforentityforname:@"wanted"                                                       inmanagedobjectcontext:moc];                 currentad.wants = wants;             }              wants.count = [nsnumber numberwithinteger:[addict integerforkey:@"followwanted"]];              [member addstuffsobject:currentad];         }     }      // save operation     [self savebackgroundmanagedobjectcontext];      [existingadsmap release];     [existingmembersmap release];      return nil; } 

i don't know did wrong.

** edit ** bug occurs on device. no problem simulator.


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