c# - Passing Type to to method with generics -

hi tryng create generic wrapper around unity enable me change ioc frameworks whenever want without need of

public static void registertypes(idependencyinjectioncontainerwrapper container)     {         list<type> types = loadtypesfromassemblies();         foreach (var type in types)         {             var interfacetype= type.customattributes                                  .firstordefault(a => a.attributetype.name == typeof(dependencyservice).name)                                  .constructorarguments[0].value;              container.registertype<type, interfacetype>();         }     } 

what's happening here getting list types attribute dependencyservice applyed.

then iterate on , getting first constructor argument of attribute.

i attempting register type in container threw generics.this having problems.

i not know how pass 2 types have in registertype method generics.as stands getting errors because passing in generic variable not object type

is there anyway solve problem?

if dependency container has non-generic method, call that:

container.registertype(type, interfacetype); 

if doesn't have non-generic method, , if can modify source, i'd strongly recommend providing one; makes kind of thing lot easier. typically, container generic method end calling non-generic one:

public void registertype(type impltype, type ifacetype) {     ... }  public void registertype<timpl, tiface>() timpl : tiface {     this.registertype(typeof(timpl), typeof(tiface)); } 

otherwise you'll have dynamically provide generic parameters through reflection:

var methodinfo = container.gettype().getmethod("registertype"); var actualmethod = methodinfo.makegenericmethod(type, interfacetype); methodinfo.invoke(container); 

but neither efficient nor particular elegant.


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